Paradise in fire

467 13 5

Lia's POV

The new project meeting is coming near and I was working nonstop to make it great but the luck was not on my side these days.

"Jeez Where did I put the file?" I was searching for the file that was more valuable than my whole apartment. 

"What are you looking for Ms.Choi?" One of my co-workers asked me. "Well did any of you happened to see a brown colour file in this drawer?" I asked them.

A chain of 'no' came from them but suddenly"oh Lia I think I saw Yuna taking it saying that Mr.Lee wanted to check it" One of the girls said.

"What!?" I knew if Minho wanted to check it he would have asked me not the 

I immediately went to the ground floor to meet Yuna. "Really Yuna, now you and Ms.Kim gonna make me fire from work" I asked her.

"Oh Lia, I don't know what you are talking about?" She said innocently.

"Cut it Yuna. Did Ms.Kim tell you to do it?" I lost it at that point. 

It was my first ever project that I managed and now it's ruined because of some bitches. But before she could say anything Mr.Lee came into the frame. The Father of Minho I mean.

"What's the commotion going on here?" Mr.Lee asked.

By the time I turned around many of he workers were surrounded and looking at us. Then my eyes went to Mr.Lee, who was looking at me. 'i'm doomed'

"Good Afternoon sir, Ms.Chou here is accusing me for something I didn't do" Yuna said to Mr.Lee.

"Oh is that true Ms.Choi?" Mr.Lee asked me.

"Absolutely no sir. One of my workers said that she saw Yuna taking some important files of mine. I've being looking for them since morning" I said.

"How important are these files we're talking about, Ms.Choi?" Mr.Lee asked me.

I was hesitant but "T-they are for the new project with the share holders sir" I said.

"What!? Do you know how valuable this project is for us? How could you loose these files" Mr.Lee said.

"What the heck are you doing here dad?" The saviour, Minho came into the picture.

"Ms.Choi right here lost some important files of the company and now blaming it on the reseptionist" Mr.Lee pointed at me.

"Huh! The files are with me dad. You don't have to cause this much drama by coming here" Minho casually said and turned to me.

"Meet me at the office in 15 minutes" He said as I nodded.

The that time everyone who was surrounded in the lobby went back to their own business. I bowed to Mr.Lee and said "sorry I guess it was a misunderstanding" 

Mr.Lee was angry that he didn't said anything but went into the elevator.

"See Lia, You should think more before accusing me" Yuna smirked.

I didn't say anything as I turned my heels and went to my floor.

After a while, as I was heading to Minho's office I heard arguments coming from his office. 

"You really think of dating someone like that Minho?"

"She is not a good influence to the company and the family, did you see how she blamed that girl without even searching for the files!?" Mr.Lee said.

"Dad please, I can handle everything that's happening within this building you don't need to bug into this" Minho said.

"Oh shut up Minho. I gave you this position not to fuck with an employee but to be successful and take the family legacy to top" Mr.Lee said.

"ENOUGH DAD. Please go home! Also the image that you have in your head about Lia better be disappeared cuz I will marry her no matter what you say" Minho said.

After the argument I could hear Mr.Lee coming closer to the door. And I came face to face with him.

"Oh do you really think that I will let Minho be with someone like you?" He asked me. I lowered my head as I couldn't get myself to reply to him.

"Tsk tsk tsk such a low class kid, you weren't like this when you were my secretary" with that he left.

It's true that I don't usually think of stuff people say about me but what he said broke something inside me. I blinked my tears away. 'now's not the time to cry Lia, Go home and do it'. I took a deep breath and entered Minho's office.



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