Reality hits Hard

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Lia's POV

After our talk last night I honestly felt better and more confident to meet Minho's Parents. Anyways I got ready to go to work.

 Anyways I got ready to go to work

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As I arrived I found Aria in my office. "Oh my!! Good Morning Baby!" I said as I kneeled down Infront of her.

"Good Morning Aunt Lia" She said cutely. "So what's my Aria doing here early in the morning?" 

"Well Dad took me here and told me to STAY in your office as he went out for something" She said.

"What did he really left you here all alone!?" I was surprised that Minho left her here. "Anyways, You look pretty today Aunt Lia" She said while creesing my cheek.

 "Thanks honey!! But you are the most prettiest girl I have ever seen" I said while I stood up and placed my bag on the table and took Aria to the sitting area on my office.

"Really, Do aunt Lia think I can beat Dad?" She asked me. "What do you mean beat your Dad?" I was confused. 

"Well Dad is pretty too" she giggled saying that. 'oh you are not wrong there honey' I thought as I giggled along with her. "But still you are the prettiest to me" I said as I pinched her cheek.

Suddenly the office door opened and Minho came in. "Oh Dad!" Aria ran into his arms which made me melt.

"Hey baby, you didn't cause any trouble now did you?" He asked her. "Nope but I think Dad is in trouble" She said while looking at me.

 'oh I understand where she's going' I faked my anger and said "Really Mr.Lee how could you let a small girl like Aria STAY here all alone" I went near them. 

"But I knew you were coming also Aria, she is our family too okay, so you don't have to worry about anything" Minho said to the little girl who was in his arms. 

Me on the other hand was red as a tomato 'Family!?' 

Time skip

The whole office is out from the building as It's already 5.30 in the evening. I walked to Minho's office.

"Hey you ready to go?" He asked me. "Yeah" I said.

"But who is looking after Aria?" I asked. "Oh she's at home and the babysitter will be there with her" He said. 

"Do I look okay?" I asked him again. He smiled and came closer "you look perfect" and kissed me passionately. 

"Let's go then shall we" I took his hand as we both excited the company and went to his car.

After a while we came across a small house with one story. I was shocked as I did not expect something like this but I thought the house will be just like Minho's.

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