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Lia's POV

I opened my eyes to see nothing but white. 'Am I dead'? I feel like existed in a realm between dreams and consciousness. 

It felt too long that I layed on this hospital bed and the world continued without me.

 Yet, within this suspended reality, I found comfort in the voices that reached through the veil.

Minho's voice was a constant presence, a soothing melody that echoed through the chambers of my mind. 

"Lia, you're strong. You can fight through this. I need you to wake up," he would murmur, his words wrapping around me like a protective cocoon.

Aria, Minho's daughter, our daughter added a youthful innocence to the symphony of voices. "Mom, we miss you. Daddy misses you. I have so many stories to tell you. Please wake up soon." 

Minho's friends, my newfound allies, joined the chorus. 

"Lia, you're not alone in this. We're all here for you," they reassured me, their camaraderie providing a sense of unity even in my state of vulnerability.

The voices became my lifeline, tethers anchoring me to a world I yearned to rejoin.

 I could feel their love, concern, and unwavering support, transcending the boundaries between consciousness and the unknown.

With each passing day, I fought against the weight that held me captive.

 It was as if their words were a signal, guiding me through the maze corridors of my own mind. The desire to respond, to reassure them that I heard every word, fueled my determination.

In the dimness of the hospital room, I grappled with the shadows that enveloped me. The voices became my compass, leading me through the labyrinth of my subconscious. 

Each whispered encouragement, a gentle plea for me to return to the world where Minho, Aria, and the echoes of friendship awaited.

As the days blurred into one another, I clung to the promise of waking up. Their voices, like threads weaving a tapestry of hope, echoed in the recesses of my mind, reminding me that I was not alone in this silent struggle.

Slowly as it felt the consciousness embraced me, the first sensation that gripped me was an overwhelming heaviness. 

My limbs felt foreign, as if reacquainting themselves with the gravity of the world. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open to a muted hospital room, it felt very clean and different from the dream world I had been in.

My gaze shifted to the familiar faces surrounding my hospital bed, their expressions a blend of relief and anticipation.

 Minho, with eyes that held a mixture of worry and hope, met my gaze. "Lia, you're awake," he uttered, his voice carrying the weight of the emotions we had shared in the maze between dreams and consciousness.

Aria, her eyes wide with wonder, exclaimed, "Mom! You're back!" Her exuberance injected a burst of warmth into the sterile room.

As I attempted to speak, my voice emerged as a fragile whisper, as if testing the waters of my newfound consciousness.

 "I heard you all," I managed to convey.

The room buzzed with a mixture of emotions—relief, joy, and unspoken acknowledgement of the faces. I felt like a traveler returning from a distant, ethereal realm. 

With everyone settling down Minho looked at me, "Get some rest, love"

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