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Lia's POV

"Good girl"

That last word made me loose my mind. 'No I am not kinky as y'all think' But something about him saying THAT to ME made my knees go weak. I just hanged in there with widened eyes as I looked at the man in front of me who I call my boyfriend.

"What!? Cat got your tongue baby girl?" 'ugh no not today' 

"Hey s-stop that" I'm pretty sure my face is red. "Stop what?" Minho said looking confused.

'okay enough teasing' I stood up "You know what I meant Minho, I'll be here after the office hours are done" with that I left the office as Minho is laughing behind me.


After office hours we both got to Minho's house just to get tackled by a little human being. "Hey Dad! Oh Hey Aunt Lia!" Aria jumped into my arms.

"Hi Honey! How was your day?" 

"It was okay but now it's better now that Aunt Lia and dad is home" She then jumped into Minho's arms who kneeled down beside us by the door.

"Did my princess like the suprise?" Aria eagerly nodded looking at me. "Well let Aunt Lia and dad freshen up okay!" 

"Okayy" Minho led me to up to his room. "Here you can wear them, go take a shower first" I nodded as made my way to the bathroom.

I took a shower and went downstairs.

"Aunt Lia come play with me" I sat next to her in the living room. "Okay you two STAY here while I also go and take a shower okay" Minho left.

"Okay so what do we do now?" Aria started to act like she's thinking and told me "let's do a tea party!" I chuckled "okay"

'Damn I miss my childhood' Playt with Aria reminds me the time I used to play with mom. I sighed "Are you done princess?" I asked her as she nodded. "What should we have for dinner ladies?" Minho who as now in the kitchen asked us.

"How did you get in there? I didn't even hear you coming down the stairs?" Minho's evil smile gave a comeback.

"Oh honey that's one of my specialities" I did not get what he said but the smile 'oh boy' I just shook my head and made my way to the kitchen.

"So back to my question, what do you wanna have for dinner?" Minho eyed both of us.

"Umm,I don't mind anything. What do you want sweetie?" Aria stood up from the stool and sat down on the counter. "Daddy's pasta"

I looked at Minho. "You can cook?" He scoffed"of course I can"

"Dad makes the best pasta" Aria said. "Alright but I'm helping" I stood up just to get dragged down to my seat again. "Tonight you are my guest so sit down, relax and enjoy the show" He winked at me and gave a peck to both me and Aria.

"Maybe in the future I might need some help cause we will be cooking for three everyday in this household" Minho chuckled.

Watching him cook was definitely a great show, Aria beside me was so eager to eat his pasta while I was controlling myself the entire time. 'he's doing it on purpose'

"Okay so how's hungry?" Minho put his famous dish on the counter.

"Okay so how's hungry?" Minho put his famous dish on the counter

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(TMI- It's actually Leeknow's cooking. He sent it on bubble)

"Ohhh looks yummy" I said. "Haha thanks let's dig in ladies"

That pasta is the most tastiest one that I've had in a while. 'Well what Aria said was true at the end'

"Give me I'll do the dishes" I stood up and took all the plates with me to the sink." No no no I'll do it" Minho grabbed me by my waist and stopped me. "Hey this is the least I can do so let me do it, you go put Aria to sleep. I'll join after I'm done" Minho nodded and went to the living room.

"Hey aunt Lia" I looked behind me to see Aria with a plushie of her. "Yes dear" I finished what I was doing and dried my hands, crouched down to her. Minho also came around the counter.

"Can I call you mommy?" Oh I lost words. 'The daughter of my boyfriend is asking permission to call me mother!?' 

"Yes of course baby! You can call me whatever you like okay" She nodded. I took her by my arms and kissed her forehead head. "Let's get you to bed okay" I nodded at Minho who was smiling ear to ear.

I went near him as he caged both of us in his arms. "Oh my two princesses. What would I do without you" placed a kiss on Aria's forehead and my lips.

"Shall we go to bed now?"


Liked by Lee_Minho, Shin_Yuna and 53,879 others 

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Liked by Lee_Minho, Shin_Yuna and 53,879 others 

Lia_Choi  My sunshine in human form<3

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