A Memorable Day

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Minho's POV

"Who is it Hyung???" Felix kept bothering me ever since I posted that post. 

"Lix I will tell you when the time comes just stop whining" I said as I made breakfast for Aria.

"Okay fine." He said as he went to wake Ari up. "HYUNG!!!" Oh god here comes the others.

"Who is it?? You found yourself a girlfriend and didn't bother to tell us!? Your best friends!?" Jisung started to blabber.

"Look I will tell all of your soon, okay!! Just give me sometime to discuss this with appa because they were not that happy about me cancelling the Marriage with Ella" I said.

"But it's good you cancelled it cuz I seriously don't like her at all" Chan Hyung said.

"Yeah me too" Changbin said as the others also nodded. I sighed and said "Yeah idk why appa wants me to get married with her" 

"Maybe because of the company!" Seungmin said. 

"Yeah but Our company is way to good than her one, why do we need to combine them" I said.

"Yup and I hate her style tbh" Felix said as he came with Aria.

"Good Morning Daddy!! Good Morning Uncle's!!" She said.

Good Morning Baby!!" All of us said together which made us bust into laughter.

"Hey come and eat your breakfast Ari.. I made waffles" I said as I gave a plate full of waffles with berries and whipping cream.

"Yahh waffles my favourite!! Thanks Daddy!!" She said.

As the guys started to look after Ari I grabbed my phone and sat down to rest a bit as it has been long time I cooked for Ari.


Liked by Lee_Minho, Shin_Yu and 4,543 others

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Liked by Lee_Minho, Shin_Yu and 4,543 others

Lia_Choi Can't wait to spend my future with you ♡

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@Shin_Yu  Oooo Mind telling me the name of him;-)

                      @Lia_Choi Nope:)

@Angeliccutie Oh finally!!

                    @Lia_Choi :)

(@Angeliccutie is Lia's Bestfriend Angela who is an online friend from America)


When I saw her post a smile crept across my face remembering last night. I honestly missed her and wanted to go to her house but I had some chaotic kids at my house along with an old man who was trying to get them calm down. 

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