In between Work

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Liked by Lee_Minho, Shin_Yuna and 436,012 others 

Lia_Choi  Better to put your heart on the line, risk everything, and walk away with nothing than play it safe. Love is a lot of things, but 'safe' isn't one of them :))

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Lia's POV


As I entered my office room I saw a flower bouquet with a letter on it. 

Just looking at it made me smile

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Just looking at it made me smile. 'Damn this boy knows how to make me skip beats even without seeing him' I thought. I started to work on some projects but suddenly I got a call from Minho's Office. As I went I saw Minho along with his secretary. 

"Umm Mr.Lee you called me?" I asked.

"Oh yeah come in Ms.Choi, I wanted to ask you if you could STAY a bit in the evening to discuss one of our new projects" Minho said while eyeing his secretary as she was looking at me as if I was some kinda food and I got what Minho said so I said yes and came to my office.

As the day went it was almost 6:45 in the evening, I cleaned my work table and went to Minho's office.

"Hey" I said while making my way to the table.

"Oh Hey, Everybody left right?" He asked me as I nodded. "So this Friday we will meet my parents" He said while coming closer and holding my hands.

"Okay but will they like me?" I asked him while imagining everything that could happen on Friday night. "You even cancelled an arranged marriage Minho"

"Don't worry they will like you as much as I do but they will need time for it" He said while leaning in.

I smiled and leaned in as I met his plumped lips on mine. After a while he pulled away. "Woah how did I become so lucky to have you..." I blushed, "Stop it Minho" I hit him in the chest while he was laughing.

"Whyy you look cute when you blush" He said. "Yeah you've being doing that since morning" I muttered. 

"Huh!? So you've being thinking about me since morning" Minho said while a smirk plastered on his face. "Oh god I'm going" I came out of the office as Minho started to run behind me.

To be continue...


I'm Alive✊🏻

Maxident Era is over ya'll😭 

(Filler Chapter🤡 I haven't rechecked it so, may have mistakes)

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