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Lia's POV

It's been few weeks since Minho told me his parents decision. Honestly it felt a bit devastating that one of them doesn't accept our relationship. I sighed as my phone buzzed.

Minho♡  Taking you out for lunch. Also my friends gonna be there too!

Me Oh okay.. Should I be worried or Smth?

Minho♡ Nah they are chill. You might have already heard about them.

Me yup. Okay then see you soon!

Minho♡ okay love you♥️

'Damn Min you know how to make me flustered'

Me Love you too!♥️

I already knew all of his friends but never met them before so it was nerve-wracking. I sifted through my closet, searching for the perfect balance between professional and stylish. After a wardrobe crisis that felt like an eternity, I settled on a simple yet elegant dress and hair and makeup was simple as always too. 

'God I don't want them to think I'm a good digger or something' As I glanced at the clock, anxiety kicked in. I took a deep breath, reminding myself that Minho chose me for a reason. With a final check in the mirror, I stepped outside to see Minho leaning towards his car waiting for me.

 With a final check in the mirror, I stepped outside to see Minho leaning towards his car waiting for me

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(Lia's outfit)

(Minho's outfit)

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(Minho's outfit)

"You look... Gorgeous" Minho hugged me and gave a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks"

"You look handsome too!" Minho chuckled. "Thanks... Let's go then" with that he opened the passenger door for me.

It was a 1 hour ride, we both had conversations here and there but never really engaged for long. " Hey don't be nervous, they already love you" 

"Huh? But I haven't met them before"

"Well I might have shared some of our memories with them" I saw Minho's cheeky little grin tugged on his face as I chuckled.

The moment I stepped into the fancy restaurant, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Minho held my hand as we walked in. The place was so posh; I couldn't help but marvel at the elegance around.

 As we approached the VIP section, I saw seven men,  echoing, creating an inviting atmosphere. "Hey guys"  Minho said as we both sat down on the table.

"Finally hyung, what took you so long. I'm hungry" Changbin whined.

"Yah stop it, we have a guest" Bangchan, the oldest among Minho's friends, greeted us with a warm smile. "Lia, it's great to finally meet you. Minho's been talking about you a lot."

I blushed, feeling the weight of their eyes on me. Changbin, looking sharp in his suit, added, "Yeah, Minho hyung never stops bragging about you. You are very special to him as it seem." 

"Of course she is" Minho who proudly sat next me said.

As we settled at the table, Hyunjin chimed in, "So, Lia, how did you and Minho hyung meet?"

I shared the story, feeling a bit self-conscious amid their accomplished lives. Jisung, with his playful grin, teased Minho, "Hyung, she's got you wrapped around her finger, huh?"

Laughter filled the air, easing my nerves. Felix, the ever-smiling friend, leaned over, "Don't worry, Lia. We're just a bunch of regular people who got lucky in business. No need to feel out of place."

Seungmin, the serious-looking one, added, "Exactly. Hyung's been waiting for you to meet us, and we're happy to have you here."

Jeongin, the youngest, didn't really seem to engage in chatting so i let it be as well. 'oh he's the one that Yuna is dating' 

I don't even know if they are dating anymore as I kept my distance with Yuna.

We got engaged in chit chatting, I discovered the down-to-earth side of these successful CEOs. They spoke passionately about their businesses, but also about their hobbies and interests outside of work. Bangchan, despite being the oldest, cracked jokes that had everyone in stitches.

The waiter approached, and Minho, always considerate, ordered a variety of dishes. Changbin raised his glass, "To new friendships and good food!" Everyone chuckled.

We clinked glasses, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. Throughout the lunch, Minho's friends made sure to include me in the conversations, making me feel like a welcomed part of their group.

As the dessert arrived, I realized that beneath their CEO titles and wealth, Minho's friends were just genuine people, happy to see their friend in love. I left the luxurious restaurant with Minho that day not just with a full stomach, but with a heart full of gratitude for Minho's friends who welcomed me into their circle with open arms.


Why do I feel like my writing method is changing😒


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