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Narrator's POV

"I feel like Minho is ignoring me" She said to her friend.

"Yeah he has been acting weird lately, every time when I go to his office he is not there but in Lia's office" 

"Who is she? Do u know her?"

"Well she is just a middle class girl who is working here. " 

"Get me more information about her, will ya" She smirked.


Lia's POV

I heard my door bell ringing so I came out from the bed to see 'who came to disturb me when I'm sleeping'  As I open the door I was met with a small figure hugging me which made me look down. 

"Oh Ari!! How are you? And why are you here this late?" I asked her while kneeling down.

"We came to take care of you Aunt Lia" She said.

"We?" Then only I saw Minho was watching both of us since the beginning. My face started to heat up as I saw him.

 My face started to heat up as I saw him

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(His outfit)

(His outfit)

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(Aria's Outfit)

"Oh Hey come in!!" I said while moving aside so they can come in.

"Aunt Lia we brought many goddies for you to eat because you are sick" Aria said while letting out a giggle.

"Awww You don't have to Ariii" I pinched her cheeks and turned to see Minho keeping the stuff they brought on the kitchen counter.

"As we are here to look after Aunt Lia why don't we take our dinner first" Said Minho.

"Umm.. Yeah that's a good idea and I bet Ari is hungry as well" I said as I went to the kitchen where Minho was.

"Yesssss I'm super hungry" with that we all enjoyed the take-outs together and started to watch a movie. Aria flopped in between me and Minho which made me think stuff.. 'LOL No not now Lia' Anyways after few hours I saw Aria sleeping soundly putting her head in my lap and leg's in Minho's.

"She was scolding me for not checking on you at work when you were sick" Minho was while looking at her. I saw how much he loved her and I saw how hard he gives all the protection and care for her. 

"She really like you maybe not like She Really Loves You" He added while looking into my eyes.

I smiled. "She is a good girl tbh, She deserves to be treated like a princess" I said while stoking her hair.

"If I say the truth to you I'm trying hard to give the love she deserves" He sighed. 

"C-can I ask you something?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah Go ahead" He said.

"I know I shouldn't poke into someone private life but why did she leave?" He immediately understood what I asked about.

He stared at my eyes without letting a word. "It's okay if you-" I was cut off.

"It's fine. I actually wants to let it all out, She was an arranged marriage from my parents. I simply could have reject it but I couldn't because of my father's illness he wanted me to get married soon" This was the first time I saw Minho's this side. 

"We didn't even got married she got pregnant with Ari, which she didn't like. She always said that she doesn't want her but because of my parents only she gave birth to her. And..." He stopped.

"It's okay you don't have to say anymore. I know it's hard" I patted his shoulder.

"Well it's fine. I want you to know this, She left Aria and Me after that" An awkward silence raised up after what he said.

'so he trusted me to say his story huh!' I thought.

"You must be thinking why I told you everything, right?" I nodded as he chuckled. "Something in me said that I can trust you plus you are already are one of the people who are close to me" He said while looking at me. 'okay we are too close'  After a good silence he started to lean in.

he brushed his lips against mine and looked deep into my eyes while staying in the same position but the Breaking News that came up on the TV broke our moment. I could feel my face started to heat up as I avoided eye contact with him. 

Breaking News: There will be a huge storm heading to seoul as the weather department said the citizen's should stay indoors to avoid any injuries and damage. Call +82 ** ** **** **** to get more information about the weather condition.

Minho's POV

'WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST DID? But I kind of liked it. But still AGHHHH' I knew she was a blushing mess because so did I.

"A-AHH I think we have to go now" I said as I avoided her eye contact. 

"B-But what about the storm, It's not safe to drive even with a small kid" I could feel her concern for both of us. "STAY here for tonight as it's a holiday tomorrow, you both can have the guest bedroom." She added.

"Okay then let me carry her to bed" with that I got Aria and went to the guest bedroom. As I was keeping her on the bed she woke up. 

"Daddy.. where is Aunt Lia?" She asked while rubbing her eyes.

"She is in the living room Ari, We can't go home there is a huge storm heading this way" I said while sitting in the bed next to her.

"|Yahhh We are sleeping at Aunt Lia's" She giggled and went back to sleep. I went to the living room to see Lia sleeping on the couch. I smiled to myself while thinking about what happened a while ago. 'You are something Lia' with that I carried her to her bedroom. 

As I came to the guest bedroom my phone started to go off. It was Ella. I turned off my phone and went to sleep holding Aria tightly in my arms.


Cheesiness overloaded in this Chapter.. Sorry for that😁


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