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Author's POV

 The tension inside Minho's car was palpable as he and Chan sped toward Lia's house. Unanswered calls fueled Minho's growing anxiety, and the cryptic warning about Lia's safety lingered in his mind.

 They approached a quiet intersection when, to Minho's horror, he spotted Lia's wrecked car. Whirlwind of sirens, flashing lights, and concerned voices were only heard near it.

His heart pounded as he slammed the brakes, the screech of tires echoing the sudden halt. 

Minho's thoughts raced, fear gripping him at the sight of Lia's familiar vehicle in disarray. 'No no no please be okay' 

Without a moment's hesitation, he flung open the car door and sprinted toward the scene.

As Minho neared the wreck, officers on the scene intervened, attempting to hold him back. 

His desperation to reach Lia fueled a surge of determination, and he pleaded with them to let him through.

 Within the chaos, he caught a glimpse of Lia being carefully extracted though the chunks of metal, her injuries visibly critical.

The scene unfolded in a blur as paramedics rushed to stabilize Lia. Minho's heartache intensified as he watched, helpless, his thoughts a chaotic jumble. 

Minho was helpless, Chan on the other hand was holding it strong just for Minho as he held him.

When the officers finally relented, Minho approached Lia, his concern etched across his face. The gravity of the situation demanded immediate action.

 Lia, unconscious and battered, was carefully placed into the ambulance, and Minho, with Chan by his side, followed it to the hospital.

The flashing lights of the ambulance reflected Minho's internal turmoil as he grappled with the shock of seeing Lia in such a vulnerable state.

 The race against time had begun, and as they sped toward the hospital, Minho's mind oscillated between fear, determination, and a burning need for answers.

The hospital bustled with activity as Minho and Chan rushed in alongside Lia's stretcher. Doctors and nurses sprang into action, wheeling her towards the emergency room.

 Minho, anxiety etched across his face, couldn't shake off the dread of seeing Lia in such a vulnerable state.

At the hospital 

Doctor Kim, a seasoned professional, approached Minho and Chan, her expression grave. 

"We're doing everything we can for her. Let's get more information, and we'll keep you updated," she assured them.

Minho nodded, his voice shaky. "Please, do whatever it takes to help her. I need to know she'll be okay."

As Lia was taken into surgery, Minho and Chan paced the sterile hospital corridor, their minds clouded with worry. 

Chan, attempting to offer comfort, said, "Minho, she's strong. She'll pull through this. We just need to trust the doctors."

Minho, though, couldn't shake off the guilt that thrown at him. "I should've listened to Jeongin's warning. Maybe I could've prevented this."

Chan placed a reassuring hand on Minho's shoulder. "You couldn't have known, Minho. Let's focus on supporting Lia now and after she recovers we'll get to the bottom of this"

"Hyung I'm pretty sure this is Ella's doing, she's gonna pay for this"

Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity. Finally, Doctor Kim emerged from the surgery room. 

Minho and Chan stood, their eyes locked on her, waiting for any sign of hope.

Doctor Kim approached them, her demeanor more measured. "The surgery went as well as we could hope for. Lia has sustained serious injuries, she's stable for now. But the issue is....

"What is it doctor!?" 

"She was put into a coma. We're not sure how long"

Minho was not having it, he felt like his whole world is falling apart. "W-what!? No she can't be. I TOLD YOU TO SAVE HER" Chan had to hold Minho back.

"I'm really sorry Mr.Lee we tried our best. We'll monitor her closely until she wakes up" with that said she left.

In Lia's room, the soft hum of medical equipment surrounded her. Minho and Chan approached Lia's bedside, their concern evident. Minho gently took Lia's hand, his voice low. 

"You're going to get through this, Lia. I promise I'll find out who did this to you."

Chan added, "We're here for you, Lia. Whatever you need, we're here."

Lia, unconscious but breathing steadily, lay in the hospital bed—a testament to resilience amid adversity.

 As Minho and Chan remained by her side, the determination to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice burned stronger than ever.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

"Is it done?" Ella asked the guy on the line.

"Yes ms.Kim, it's done" 

"Good, I'll send the money in soon!" The call ended as another call came in.

"Yes what do you want?"

"How could you do that Ms.Kim? You planned on killing Lia" The women on the line said as she cried.

Spitting out an evil laugh Ella said, "That bitch deserves it"


Merry Christmas lovelies🎄❄️

Enjoy! ♡🦋

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