Chapter 1

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I finally tried it. I went to go see that white woman that thinks she knows me so well. I only went because my moms begged me to. She said I had too much anger built up and I needed to talk to a counselor about my innermost feelings and thoughts. What she fail to realize is I'm grown and I've been doing this by myself since I had Meki. I've been paying my own bills (with the help of Chris sometimes) and taking care of Meki and Zoey by myself. What is this white woman gonna tell me that is gonna be beneficial to me and my kid's lives? Some bullshit that's gonna sound good for the moment. It's not gonna put no money in my pocket, put food in our mouths or clothes on our backs. So I guess I'll deal with the counseling for a few months to shut my mom up.

My five year old Meki and my two year old Zoey are my life. Literally. Everything I do is for them. They didn't ask to be here so I want to give them the best life possible, by any means necessary. Meki just started Kindergarten and he's so excited about it daily. He loves to read and write and talk. When I tell you that little boy will talk your head off! Overall he's a great child, I don't know what I did to deserve him. Zoey on the other hand is God's way of paying me back for some wrong I've done. That little girl is a HOT MESS! I love her to death though. She's just so bad and such a busy body. She can't sit down for more than twenty seconds and she's a cry baby. I think that's me and her father's fault though. She gets whatever she wants no matter what but that's something I have to break and quick. Her father's name is Chris. He's currently my boyfriend. We've been through so much together. Honestly we probably shouldn't still be together but we are and it's working out for the moment. I don't wanna leave him and he refuses to be a father toward Zoey. Then she'll be crying and asking all sorts of questions about her father like Meki. I can't deal with that shit.

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