Chapter 47

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3 Months Later...

" Babe??! Babe!? Babe?! " Alex asked, excitingly.

" Yes? " I asked.

" This is it! This is it right here!! " He said, pointing to the radio in front of us.

" What are you talking about? " I asked, looking confused.

" My song! My single!! Listen! " He said, nearly screaming.

" .......and I'ma keep on drinking cause I love this shit.. "

" I like it, babe! " He was cheesing so hard.

" I did it, babe! I fucking did it, man!! " He said, holding my face and kissing me extra hard.

" Ew! " I said.

We sat in the parking lot and listened to his song, while waiting on Meki to come out the school. All of a sudden, I felt lots of liquid coming out of me.

" Babe, I peed in your car.. I'm sorry! " I said.

" It's okay. Let's go inside the school so you can get cleaned up.. " He said, taking off his seat belt.

" No, I am not going in there embarrassing my baby. When he comes out, we can hurry home. " I said.

" After we get meds for Zoey, remember? " He asked.

" Yeah.. damn. " I said.

I fell asleep for about ten minutes when Alex woke me up, " Babe? Morg? Morgan? "

" Yeah? " I asked, in an annoyed tone.

" Babe, I don't think you peed. You're still leaking.. your water broke, babe. " He said, turning red in the face.

" Huh? " I asked. " No way. I don't feel anything lea-..... " I stopped speaking as I looked down. " Babe, we gotta go.. like now.. we gotta go! " I yelled.

Alex ran out the car. He started talking to the office lady who was walking out the school, " Ayee, we need Meki Baker for early dismissal! "
" Sir, I have a doctor's appoint-....... " She started to say.

" It's an emergency.. my wife's water just broke! Please, hurry! Please, ma'am! " He said.

The woman jogged back in the school and five minutes later, the boys were in the car.

Alex drove so fast!

" Meki, I need you to be a big boy today. I need you to do what I tell you to do and no asking questions, okay? " Alex said to Meki.

Meki rolled his eyes and held my hand, " Mommy, you okay? I'm gonna be here the whole way, okay? Don't worry about anything.. okay, Mommy? " He said, kissing my hand.

" Thanks, babe. I'm gonna be okay. Just sit back and listen to Alex please. " I said, looking him in the eyes.

He smacked his teeth and folding his arms, " He don't tell me what to do.. he ain't my daddy. "

" Meki, don't start.. " I said.

" Meki, don't start.. " He mimicked me.

" You better be glad I'm going into labor right now because I'd beat your ass! " I said, trying to grab his shirt from the passenger seat but he kept moving away from me.

" No, you won't.. " He said, kicking my chair.

Alex looked so pissed. I've never seen him look so mad. He pulled over the car, got out and pulled Meki out. He took off his belt, " You see this? Huh? If I ever hear you disrespecting your mother again, I'll hit you with it and I'll tell your father I did it.. you hear me? "

" Call my daddy! I hate yall! " He got back in the car, crying and kicking.

" Meki, stop it! " I yelled.

" Call my daddy!! " He screamed. " I wanna live with him.. forget you, stupid Alex and yall stupid baby. Just another person to replace me. "

" Huh? " I asked. " Baby, noone will ever replace you. You're my first born and my king and you know that.. come on, man. Don't do that. "

He looked up, " You mean it? "

" Yes, Mommy's baby. " I said.

He wiped his face and kissed me on my cheek. After that, he was cool. He acts out when something is wrong, that's why I'm not too quick to whoop him.

When he got to the hospital, there was paparazzi and fans everywhere. There were flashing lights, microphones, cameras and recorders everywhere.

" New rapper, singer and songwriter, August Alsina is at CMC Metro Hospital with his......" the reporter took a pause. " Is she your wife or girlfriend? "

" Wife. " Alex said. " Now move! " He said aggravated.

I blushed a little.

" She's pregnant with your child? " Another yellow man asked.

" Yes. " He said. " Excuse me. "

" Is the little boy yours too? " A dark brown woman asked.

" Yes, that's my oldest son. " He said, moving me and Meki pass all the reporters.

" How many kids do you have? " A white woman asked.

" Too many. " He said right before we got in. The reporters weren't allowed inside and I was grateful for it.

The hospital gave us wonderful service since Alex was this star now. We had the biggest room they offered. It had multiple couches and televisions and lots of space, which includes a nice size kitchen.

Sanai, Daniel, Trayquan, Trayvon, my mom, Aunt Pearl and all the kids were in my room and in my face forty-five minutes after I arrived.

" You okay? " Sanai asked.

" No. " I said with a tear dropping down my face.

" Hey, can everyone clear the room except Alex? I need to talk to my sister. " Sanai said, loudly.

Everyone did as they were told.

" What's wrong? " Sanai asked.

Tears started running down my face, " I'm scared, terrified at that.. what if I have complications again? What if I lo-........? " I said, being cut off by Alex.

" Don't think like that! What you mean if you lose the baby and have complications like last time? What happened last time? Amaru is here and fine. That's how Malachi is gonna be. " He said with confidence.

" I was pregnant with twins and didn't know it. I gave birth to Armani in my bathroom and he wasn't fully developed and died in the hospital. Then I was told that something else was in there, which was Amaru. She was alot more developed than Armani but was still months premature and we still had lots of complications. We had to stay in the hospital for months. Amaru was ready to go home before I was. My body was damaged. It was rough for us until my body healed and Amaru started maturing faster. "

" Wow...... " He said, with shock written all over his face. " Now I understand.. be we're gonna be good. Me, you and Malachi are all gonna be good. I promise.. and I take promises seriously! " He said kissing me on my forehead.

The doctor came in, " We see many possible complications. Therefore, we've decided to put you to sleep to cause less pain as possible with your consent only though. "

I was crying hysterically, " No! I need to see what's going on! I gotta make sure my baby is safe! You can't just put me to sleep! I'll take all the pain for my baby! " I said.

" Ma'am, she's gonna be put to sleep. Lemme have a second with her alone. " Alex said.

The doctor walked out, " Babe.. you're gonna do this and when you get up, I'll be standing right here with our handsome son. " Alex paused. " He's gonna be fine, I promise you that. Okay, Morg? "

" Okay, babe. " I said.

Within ten minutes, I felt my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

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