Chapter 16

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My mom left once she found out I was okay but she said she was coming back to see me and the baby tomorrow.

After we had a few hours with the baby and the kids by ourselves everyone rushed in to see me and the baby. They would've rush in when Amaru first came out but the doctors were really concerned and wanted to watch the baby for a few hours while Chris and I had her.

Sanai held the baby, " I have baby fever a little tiny bit! " she said laughing.

" Go ahead and pop out one for me to spoil. " I said.

" Daniel and I have to get on one accord first and these kids gotta get out my house! " she said laughing again.

" I plan on moving really really soon but right now my focus is Amaru and making sure she's straight. " I said.

" I gotchu, sis. You know I'm not rushing you. I'm talking about Brittany, Malik and that crying baby! " she said mugging Brittany.

" Whatever! " Brittany said rolling her eyes. Her favorite thing to do and her favorite thing to say.

" Brittany bet not have no damn baby fever! " I said loudly.

" Oh hell no. I don't wanna go through that pain again and the fear of having Carter early was a fool. " Brittany said.

" You know I understand now. " I responded.

" How many months were you? Do you know? " Brittany asked.

" Not yet. The doctor refuse to give me info until everyone leaves the room. I'm terrified, yall. I don't even know about my other baby. " A tear came down my face.

" Don't stress it, Morgan. " Sanai said hugging me, trying not to cry.

" What other baby, Morgan? " Brittany asked.

" If I tell you the story I'm gonna lose it. You're better off asking Sanai or Mark. " I said with more tears coming down.

They stepped out, I guess so that Brittany could talk to Sanai and Mark about what happened.

Carrie and Cameron came in from the waiting room all late. They were knocked out for the longest. Carrie picked up the baby and started tearing up, " Oh my God, I didn't know something could be so beautiful. "

Cameron laughed, " Why the hell she crying? " He asked me.

Carrie gave Cameron a light push. " Soon this will be us holding a beautiful baby boy. Omari. " Carrie said. " I'm scared but I'm looking forward to that beauty and love and that bond. You can feel all that as soon as they come out. Right, Morgan? "

" Yes ma'am! " I said.

Everybody who knew about the accident with my first baby knew not to tell Carrie. That would be way too much for her. She needed to focus on staying stressed free and getting everything set up for the baby.

One of the doctors came out and asked if I was ready. I knew exactly what she was talking about. She didn't have to explain.

" Hi. I'm asking that everyone clears the room for the next hour. We have alot of things that needs to be done without anyone other than the mother and father. Thank you. " the doctor said loudly.

Everyone gave me hugs and kisses. My great aunt Pearl unexpectedly held my hand with one of her hands with our fingers crossing. She put her other hand on my forehead. She waited until everyone cleared the room. She even asked Chris and the doctor to step out for a minute. I knew what she was about to do.

" Lord, we come to you today thanking you for another day. We know that some people woke up dead but you.. oh Lordy.. you decided to give us another to chance to get it right. Yes, sir. We thank you for Amaru right now and her special delivery. We thank you for the miracle you gave us on today, Lord. We thank you that she's okay and will some day tell her testimony. Right now we're praying for Morgan and Chris's baby boy Armani. We pray that if it's in your will he will be healed and show the world his greatness but if not we pray that he's safe in Heaven with you, Lord. We pray for Morgan's body right now. Heal her, Lord Jesus. Take the many pains away, the ones seen and not seen. The ones known and not known. She hurting, Lord. Help her, Lord Jesus. Show her what to do and where to go. Make this clear for her, Lord God. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. "

By the time she was done we were both in tears. My face was soaked and I was breathing really hard and really heavy. I felt like I couldn't breathe. How did my aunt know I was hurting? Her prayer proved that she knew alot. I didn't tell her anything, like we don't even talk.

My aunt held me for a very long time and let me cry all over her shoulder and let me breathe all in her ear. She rubbed my back, " You're gonna be okay, baby. I promise. He said he'll never put more on you than you can bare. You're gonna be okay, Morgan. I promise. "

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