Chapter 52

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Sanai's Point Of View.....

Just like Morgan said, life has changed alot for us too. When I say us, I mean Daniel, Jayde, the twins and Carter. We no longer call him " Baby Carter " anymore because he's no longer a baby.

So from the picture, you can tell that the twins are all grown up. I struggle so much with raising them. They're harder to raise then Carrie and Brittany was, to be totally honest. When they were in middle school, they were a hot mess but when they started high school......... oh my God. They stay in trouble at school and home. They don't do their work in class, they don't do homework, they skip class, they fight, they get suspended, they curse at the teachers and other students, everything. They get in trouble at home for talking back, slamming doors and doing stuff they're not supposed to. We recently threatened to make them move in with my dad and they cried and begged us not to. They said they promise that they'll do better so hopefully we see some changes real soon. They know that my dad isn't really their dad and that we're not really sisters but you wouldn't be able to tell. Blood couldn't make us closer. Harmoni does color guard at her school and is on the dance team. Melody plays soccer, tennis and basketball. They're totally different but then again, they get in trouble for the same things. If it isn't Harmoni doing something and getting in trouble, it's Melody.

Carter is all grown up and Jesus, he looks just like his mom. Everyday, I see him, I think of Brittany and how she's smiling down on her baby right now. Carter is a really interesting little boy. He acts alot like his father. He's a people watcher, he just lay low and just watch. But you would never know that he's watching because he's so low key. He's a real chill, laid back kind of person. He mind his own business and stays to himself. He's very popular in school and him and his cousin, Zoey are very close. They're like best friends. Carter is IN LOVE with football. That's all he ever wants to do and all he talks about. He plays for several teams and he never stops practicing. His favorite team is the Carolina Panthers, of course. Him and Daniel go to every game pretty much, even away games. Carter goes to the Panthers summer camp also. He wants to be in the NFL and play for the Panthers. Carter thinks that I'm his mom. Because he was so young when all that stuff happened, he doesn't remember. He knows Daniel isn't his dad though. Malik spends alot of time with Carter. He's at all his games, get a him every weekend and sometimes whole weeks at a time. He loves his son and he really stepped up when Brittany passed. I have no idea how or when I'll tell Carter about Brittany. Me and Malik have talked about it several times and we just can't figure it out. We don't wanna hurt little man. We gotta wait till he's ready.

Jayde, Jayde, Jayde.. my little Jayde. I thank God everyday for allowing me to have this little bundle of joy. She's just perfect! She reminds me so much of Morgan. She's very energetic and says whatever is on her mind like her auntie. She's the cutest six year old ever too. Her and Amaru are really close. They do everything together. If Amaru isn't over here, Jayde is over there. They get into alot of arguments but they make up like it's nothing. What kind of worries me, is that Jayde doesn't have a sensitive bone in her body like her dad. She's gets an attitude and pouts and stuff but never cries. Even in situations when she should cry, she doesn't. She's so super rotten and we let her get away with a lot. We do this because she's so special, she wasn't even supposed to be here. She's truly a daddy's girl. It's daddy daddy this, daddy daddy that.. it makes me sick sometimes because I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of jealous. Jayde plays tennis and cheers. She's into fashion too at a very young age. She watches Zoey alot because they like the same things. I tell Morgan all the time that we have some future fashion designers and business leaders on our hands. She just laughs and say we have to nurture their dreams and desires now while it's early and premature.

I'm not sure if Morgan talked about Carrie at all so I'm going to. Carrie has grown into such a mature and wonderful being. After Malachi turned one, Carrie decided to move back in with me with Baby Omari. She didn't really give Morgan or I an explanation, she just said she wanted to go back home. I raised her, so I guess she just wanted to go back to her norm. She graduated high school a year early (at sixteen) and told me she was gonna work her ass off for two years, then she's moving for college and a fresh start. And that's exactly what she did. I remember helping her pack up and move was one of the hardest things ever. I couldn't just let my baby go like that. Morgan had an even harder time than I did, with letting her go and everything. I asked her if she wanted to go off to college and leave Omari here until she's finished and she can visit him and everything. She refused, she said I had enough on my plate with the twins and Carter and that she wasn't putting her responsibility off on anyone else. She ended up getting an apartment in one of the outskirts of Atlanta. She put Omari in school there and started going to Spelman University in the fall. She ended up also graduating a year early in college but decided to stay in Atlanta. She's the youngest employee at a very upclass law firm there. She's happy and is truly completing her goals and living out her dreams and I couldn't be more proud of her.

One more thing, Daniel and I are expecting. It's a boy and his name will be Jace Ryland Harrison. He'll be here in like three more months. Daniel and I have agreed to keep having kids until we can't have anymore because we're truly grateful for the ability to reproduce.

This is an update of our lives over here. It is truly challenging but worth living. Our family is growing and maturing together when it comes to my dad, mom, and siblings. Nomore hidden stories, but just honesty and unity is what my family has become.

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