Chapter 14

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    I had an extremely long day. I came straight home from work and went to sleep. Trayvon and Trayquan came to get the kids for the weekend and I decided to catch up on some rest. At about one o'clock in the morning I was experiencing some real strong pain in my stomach. It was like cramps but to the tenth power so bad that I was on the floor in the corner rocking back and forth crying. I had never experienced pain like this.

     Daniel and Sanai were on a date and so were Brittany and her boyfriend Malik. Their baby was with Carrie and Cameron. They were downstairs cuddled up because Carrie was in alot of pain too and in her feelings. She started crying when she asked if Cameron could come over and I said no because it was too late. Her pregnancy made her so sensitive. So I just let her have her way, nobody got time for that. Plus I know how I was when I was pregnant. I always needed to be up under somebody to get comfortable. It was so aggravating to Chris but Meki's dad Zay loved it.

     I decided to call my guy best friend Mark to ask him to come over. He was gay and as fun as any girl best friend. He also had good guy qualities too. He was good at holding me and comforting me when I needed it most like tonight. He also tell me guy's intentions and what their thinking and stuff like that. He was like an overprotective big brother and a sister at the same time. It was weird but cool.

Mark held me for some time and rubbed on my stomach. I tried taking medicine, drinking hot tea, using a heating pad and everything. Nothing was working. It wasn't time for my cycle so I didn't know what was going on. I never really cramped either so something had to be wrong.

     My stomach dropped and I ran to the bathroom. I felt like I had to poop but when I tried I felt really constipated. I pushed and pushed and struggled and I was still in pain. It felt like something was cutting me on the inside. I didn't wanna go to hospital but I think at that point I had no choice. Just as I was thinking about going to the hospital so much blood came out of me. Not a normal amount but like a river full. I was scared! Then alot of water came out me. At first I thought it was pee but it was water. I had no idea what was going on.

     I kept pushing and pushing and closing my eyes. I felt like something had really came out of me. I look down and it was am alien looking baby. I screamed!!! I was crying so much! Mark ran inside the bathroom.

     " CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!!!!!! " I screamed.

     He ran to get his phone. I ran to get a blanket. I didn't know what else to do. I held the baby, cried and prayed. I don't want my baby to die!! The baby I knew nothing about. I was losing it, yo. Like nobody knows all the thoughts that was going through my head. Carrie and Cameron ran upstairs but we wouldn't let them in the room. Carrie would freak out.

     The ambulance finally got there and I was rushed to the hospital. On the way to the room in the hospital I passed out but I heard everything. Half of the doctors were trying everything they could to keep the baby alive and half of them were checking every body part on me. Mark called most of my family and they were all in the waiting room. Trayvon and Trayquan was walking up the street smoking a blunt. Sanai was sleeping on Daniel's chest, Brittany was sleeping on Malik's chest, Carrie was sleeping on Cameron's chest and Zoey was sleeping on Chris's chest. Meki was sleeping on Chris's leg. Most of Trayvon's and Trayquan's children were also in the waiting room sleeping. The waiting room was filled with my family. There was more family in there but I didn't care to name everyone. My mom was also in there with her nurse.

     When I got up, there was one of those things on my mouth to help me breathe, lot of cords attached to me and lots of doctors around me.

     " Miss Baker, are you okay? "

     I shook my head, yes.

     " We need you to push, okay? "

     Push?? There was something else inside of me??

     " Why do I need to push? "

     " Miss Baker, you're having another baby. "

     " What?!??! "

     I asked if they could go get Chris and Sanai. I knew if I was having a baby it was Chris's baby and I needed my sister.
Chris came in, held my hand and kept kissing it. Sanai was crying a whole lot. She look like she wanted to freak out but was holding it together for me.

     I pushed one time really hard and the most beautiful baby came out of me. It was a baby girl.

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