Chapter 1

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Chanthara household is in chaos. People were running frantically searching for someone.

Narong: Aom, where is she? How can she go missing?

Aom: I don't know. She was in her room when I last checked on her.

Aom sees her son coming out of her daughter's room.

Aom: Atid, did you find her?

Atid: No Mom. But I found this.

Atid handover a piece of paper to his mom. As she reads the paper, panic sets in and tears starts forming in her eyes. Narong quickly walks to his wife and holds her before she collapses.

Narong: What is it Aom?

She gives the letter to him. He reads it loudly.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sorry for leaving like this. I cannot  get married to PAroon because I love someone else. I tried to tell you this but you were so excited for my marriage and did not even listen to me. So I had no choice but to leave the house before you announce our engagement to the press. I am once again sorry. Please forgive me.


Narong: Oh my God! What did this girl do? How will I face Ming now?

Narong falls on the chair with a thud sound.

Atid: DAD

Atid quickly holds his dad and tries to calm him down.

Atid: Dad, Uncle Ming will understand. He is your friend.

Ming: He may understand and forgive me but what about the board of directors. They are waiting for this engagement and merger announcement. I..


Narong and Atid turns towards the sound and was shocked to see Ming and Aroon standing at the door.

Narong: Ming

Ming runs towards his friend and holds him.

Ming: What happened Narong? Why are you so stressed?

Narong passes the letter to Ming and sits with his head hanging low. As Ming reads the letter, all color drains of his face.

Aroon: Dad

Aroon quickly takes the paper from his dad and reads it. His expression changes to shock as he reads the letter.

Narong: I am sorry. I am so sorry Ming.

Ming: It's not your fault Narong.

Narong: But because of my daughter, our business will be impacted.

Ming: No, it won't be.

Narong: But how? We announced this merger to our shareholders and board of directors.

Ming: But we never told them who is getting engaged to whom.

Narong: What do you mean?

Ming looks at his son and Atid.

Ming: You have two children Narong.

Atid and Aroon knew where this conversation was going.

Atid and Aroon: NO

Ming: Please try to understand our situation. We are in a crucial situation right now. We cannot afford to get our stakeholders angry. You are the only ones who can save us.

Atid: But

Aroon: Okay

Atid looks at Aroon in shock.

Narong: Atid please.

Atid: Dad, I need to talk to Aroon for a minute.

Narong: Okay.

Atid walks out of the house followed by Aroon. As soon as they reach the garden, he turns and looks at Aroon in anger.

Atid: What the hell are you thinking? Why did you say yes for the engagement?

Aroon: Because we don't have a better solution. Do you?

Atid: I have a girlfriend that I love.

Aroon: So

Atid: So..So I don't want to cheat on her.

Aroon: Who asked you to? It's not like we are getting married for real. Just explain the situation to your girlfriend and get engaged to me. We will find a reason to break up before the wedding is announced.

Atid looks at Aroon with an unreadable expression.

Atid: Who are you? The Aroon I know was never so intelligent or practical.

Aroon walks towards Atid and looks into his eyes.

Aroon: When did you ever try to know me Atid? You were always busy insulting me.

Atid thought he saw a flash of pain in his eyes but it was gone the next second.

Aroon: Let's go inside and convey our approval for this engagement.

Both of them walk back into the house in silence. As they enter the house, all the eyes were on them.

Narong: So

Atid: Okay

Narong: Huh

Atid: I am ready to get engaged to Aroon.

Narong hugs his son.

Narong: Thank you. Thank you so much son.

Ming also hugs his son and appreciates his decision.

Ming: Since everything is sorted out, I will leave with Aroon. We will meet you at Millennium Hilton at 7.

Narong: Hmm

Ming and Aroon leave the Chanthara house while Atid goes to his room to call his girlfriend to explain his situation.

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