Chapter 26

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Aroon opened his eyes and he was in the garden of his house. He looked around and there is no one except him. He then heard someone calling his name.


He looked in the direction of the voice and is surprised to see Atid standing there holding his hand out smiling at him. He starts to walk towards him but Atid is walking away from him.

Aroon: Atid...Atid..Stop...Wait for me Atid

But he keeps on walking away and then he disappears.

Aroon: ATID

Aroon wakes up screaming. Aroon looks around and he is in a hospital room. There is IV stuck on his hand and his parents are standing next to him, looking at him with concerned face.

Aroon: It was a dream...It was a dream...Atid

Ming: Aroon, please calm down. You are not well son. You need to rest.

Aroon: What... What time is it? Did he wake up?

Ming: It's 12pm son. He is still unconscious.

Aroon: 12 in the afternoon. How can I sleep for so long? I need to see him. He needs me dad.

Ming: Aroon, you need to rest. Your body is weak. Please lay down Aroon.

Aroon: No, I want to see him.

Aroon begins to cry. Just then the doctor enters the cabin. He checks Aroon as he repeatedly request them to send him to Atid.

Doctor: He is okay now. Just make sure he drinks lots of water and eats food on time.

Aroon's parents nods their head.

Aroon: Please let me see Atid.

Doctor: I will let you see Atid if you promise to eat food on time.

Aroon: I promise.

Doctor gives him permission to see Atid. Kiet helps him on to a wheelchair and takes him to Atid's room. Atid is lying there with many wires connected to his body. His head is bandaged and there are small cuts on his arms and face. Aroon looks at him and sob escapes his mouth. He holds his hand and sits there next to his bed.

Aroon: Atid, I don't know if you can hear me but I want to say sorry. I am so sorry for hurting you. Please don't leave me. I don't know how to live without you. Please come back to your Aroon.

Tears starts falling from Aroon's eyes as he holds on Atid's hands tightly. He decides to sit beside Atid so that he will be there when he wakes up. Kiet and his parents made sure Aroon eats and drinks a lot of water. Soon Aroon falls asleep due to exhaustion.

Aroon wakes up as he feels someone caressing his face. He opens his eyes and is met by Atid's eyes that are open and looking at him.

Aroon: Atid

Aroon gets up from the chair and looks at him with a smile.

Aroon: You are awake...Atid, you are finally awake.

A smile blooms on his face as he sees Atid awake. He quickly goes outside and informs everyone that Atid is awake. Chai goes to call the doctor while everyone wait outside the room for the doctor. Soon the doctor comes and checks Atid thoroughly. He then comes out of the room to meet Atid's family.

Aroon: How is he doctor?

Doctor: He is absolutely fine now. He will recover fully after couple of weeks rest and good food.

Aroon: Thank you doctor. Thank you so much.

Aroon cries in relief as everyone hugs each other in happiness.

Aom: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Aom: Go inside and meet your husband. I am sure you are first one he would want to see and talk to.

Aroon looks at Aom with a smile and enters Atid's room. All the wires as well as the oxygen mask is removed from Atid's body. He is lying on the bed with his eyes closed. Aroon goes and sits on the chair next to his bed and holds his hand.

Aroon: Atid

Atid opens his eyes and looks at Aroon with a smile.

Atid: Hey

Aroon: You scared me. You scared us all.

Atid: I am sorry. I didn't mean to.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Where is Dew? Did you come with him?

Aroon looks at Atid with an unreadable expression and then speaks.

Aroon: He is in Chiang Mai.

Atid: Oh!

Aroon: Chai said you were not eating or sleeping properly. What happened? Did you fight with Pringking?

Atid looks at Aroon in confusion.

Atid: Pringking? Why would I fight with her?

Aroon: She is your girlfriend. I didn't see her here, so I thought..

Atid: She is not my girlfriend.

Aroon: Then why did you kiss her? Why did you ask for divorce?

Atid: I didn't kiss her. She... I didn't ask for divorce because of her. I thought you...

Aroon: Why didn't you ask? Why did you just assume? I came home that day to hear your side of story but you asked for a divorce. So I thought..

Atid: You are not happy with me. You love someone else. So I thought of setting you free. I just..

Aroon: Why would you do something like that? Yes, Dew was my crush since school days but I am not in love with him. I am in love with ... you.

Atid: me?

Aroon just nods his head.

Atid: Why didn't you tell me?

Aroon: You are the one who said I am not your type and never will be. Then how am i supposed to say that I have fallen in love with you. I was afraid of losing you.

Atid: I never meant it Aroon. I was angry and frustrated because my parents were forcing me to marry you. I said that to make you back out of the marriage. It meant nothing.

Aroon: Really?

Atid: Hmm. You are my type. You are the only one who is my type and I have fallen in love with you Aroon. I couldn't eat, sleep or breath after leaving you. I so badly wanted to see you and hold you in my arms.

Aroon: Then do it.

Atid: Huh

Aroon: Hug me Atid. Hold me in your arms and never let me go.

Atid pulls Aroon forward and he falls on his chest.

Atid: Ouch

Aroon looks at him in concern.

Aroon: I am sorry. Did I hurt you?

Atid: No. Just hug me tight.

They hug each other as tears of joy flow down their eyes.

Atid: I love you Aroon.

Aroon: I love you too Atid.

Atid: I am never letting you go again.

Aroon: I won't let you leave my hand ever again.

Ming decides to check on Aroon as it's been some time since he went inside Atid's room. As he walks inside, a smile appears on his face seeing the scene before him. Atid and Aroon are re sleeping peacefully hugging each other. Ming goes outside and tells everyone what he saw. They all let out a sigh of relief and a smile appears on everyone's face.

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