Chapter 24

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After Atid left, Aroon could not stay in the condo as every single thing in that house reminded him of Atid. He decided to pack his bags and go back to his parents house.

At Ananada Mansion:

Davika was shocked to see Aroon standing at their door with all his things. He looked exhausted.

Davika: Aroon

Aroon: Mom

Aroon could not say anything further and just burst into tears. Davika quickly hugged her son and ran her hand on his back trying to calm him down.

Davika: What happened baby? Why are you crying? Did Atid say anything to you?

Aroon keeps crying but does not say anything. Davika decides not to ask him anymore questions. She sends him to his room to rest while she calls her husband to come home fast.

Ming reaches home as fast as he could. Davika tells him about Aroon's condition. They go to his room to talk to him. When they enter the room, they saw Aroon standing at the balcony looking outside.

Ming: Aroon

Aroon turns around to look at his dad. Ming could see dried tear streaks on his cheeks. Ming hugs his son tight.

Ming: What happened Aroon? Why are you so sad?

Aroon: Atid and I, we are getting divorced.

Ming: What?

Davika: I thought you guys are getting along well. Did you guys fight?

Aroon: No. We did not fight. We never said anything to hurt each other. When we got married, we did not love each other. We decided to be friends and if some day either one of us found true love, we will let the other go. Atid, he...

Ming: He loves someone else.

Aroon nods his head.

Davika: And you are in love with him.

Aroon nods his head as tears starts dropping down his eyes.

Davika: Oh my poor baby.

Davika hugs her son tight.

Ming: Do you want us to talk to him?

Aroon: No dad. He didn't do anything wrong. It's me who fell in love with him even after knowing that he will never love me. I don't want to lose him as a friend. Just give me some time I will be alright.

Ming nods his head. They leave the room asking Aroon to take rest.

Atid was also in the same condition as Aroon. He returned to his parents house but did not say anything to them. Narong questions him after hearing about the divorce from Ming.

Narong: Why did you ask for divorce Atid?

Atid: We are not compatible dad. You asked is to get married, we did. But now, we no longer want to be stuck in this marriage of convenience. We both want different things in life. So we are separating. Don't blame Aroon for this. I am the one who asked for divorce.

Atid goes back to his room without any further explanation.

It's been a week since Atid and Aroon moved back to their respective parents house. Aroon started to go to office as he needs a distraction from his broken heart. Atid also spend his entire time in his office. He hardly went home and slept in the office on some days. Their family and friends were starting to get concerned for them.

At Ananada Technologies:

Aroon just finished a meeting and was going through the minutes of meeting when Kiet enters his cabin.

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