Chapter 7

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Atid and Aroon reaches Atid's condo in 30 minutes. As they enter the condo, Aroon falls in love with interior and the night view from the balcony.

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Atid: Do you like it?

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Atid: Do you like it?

Aroon: I love it. The night view is so beautiful.

Atid: Hmm. I love spending time here  looking at that view.

Aroon smiles at Atid and then continue looking outside.

Atid: Would you like to take bath?

Aroon: You can take shower first. I want to stand here for some more time.

Atid: Okay

Atid goes inside to take bath while Aroon stays there looking at the view.

After some time Aroon feels someone's presence behind here. He turns around to see Atid standing behind him shirtless and drying his hair with a towel.

Aroon looks at Atid's body with his eyes wide open.

Aroom(in mind): Wow! He looks hot. His abs..Shit Aroon. What are you thinking? He is your friend.


Aroon: Huh

Atid: I have been calling you for such a long time.

Aroon: I am sorry. I was thinking about something.

Atid: Hmm. You can go and take bath. I have taken out some spare clothes and kept it on the bed.

Aroon: Okay

Aroon walks away from there quickly.

Aroon finish taking bath and comes out of the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was about to take the clothes on the bed when the door opens with a thud and Atid enters the room.

Atid: Aroon..

All the words get stuck in Atid's mouth as he see Aroon standing there in towel. Water droplets were moving down his body leaving behind a wet trail on that fair skin. His hair was wet and messy and those large dark brown eyes had grown bigger in shock. Atid's gaze ended on the rosy plump lips that he was biting in nervousness. Only one word escaped Atid seeing the view before him.

Atid: Wow!!!

Aroon quickly turns around covering his chest with his hands.

Atid: I am sorry. You were taking so long that I came to check on you. Are you okay? Do you need anything?

Aroon: No. I am okay. I will come out in 5 minutes.

Atid: Okay

Atid quickly walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

Atid: Shit...What was I thinking?

Aroon quickly changes into the shorts and tshirt kept on the bed. He sits down until his breath turns normal. He then walks out of the room trying to look unaffected by what happened in the room.

When Aroon came out of the room, Atid was standing at the balcony looking outside.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Hmm

Atid turns around and looks at Aroon who was standing there fidgeting with the tshirt.

Aroon: Can I get a glass of water?

Atid: Sure

Atid gets him a glass of cold water.

Atid: Would like to watch a movie or you want to sleep?

Aroon: I am a bit tired. Can we watch movie tomorrow.

Atid: Hmm. Let's go to bed then. I will take the couch, you can use the bedroom.

Aroon: No. I will sleep on the couch.

Atid: No. It will be really uncomfortable for you.

Aroon: Atid, you are taller than me. How can you sleep in the couch when I can't?

Atid remains silent on this argument.

Aroon: If you are okay, can we both sleep on the bed? Your bed is big enough for both of us. If you are uncomfortable

Atid: No, I am okay with that if you are okay.

Aroon: Hmm

They both enters the bedroom and lies on either sides of the bed facing away from each other.

Aroon: Good night.

Atid: Good night. Is it okay if I turned off the light?

Aroon: Yes

Atid turns off the light and the room is filled with darkness and silence except for the breathing sound of two people.

Aroon has been trying to sleep for past 30 minutes but he was unable to get any sleep. He tried closing his eyes and counting the numbers backwards and many other things but everything failed. Suddenly the lights in the room turned ON.

"Are you unable to sleep?"

Aroon looks at Atid who was looking at him with sleepy eyes.

Aroon: I am sorry, I disturbed your sleep.

Atid: It's okay. I am a light sleeper. So what seem to be the problem.

Aroon: I don't know. Maybe since it's a new place, I am finding it hard to sleep.

Atid: Normally what do you do if you are unable to sleep?

Aroon: I read or play games until I fall asleep. Some times I just ask my mom to hold me until I fall asleep.

Atid thinks for a second and then looks at Aroon.

Atid: Come here.

Aroon: Huh

Atid holds Aroon's hand and pulls him into his arms. Now Aroon's head is lying on Atid's chest while his arm is wound around his waist. Atid gently pats his head and speaks

Atid: Now sleep.

Aroon: But

Atid: You have been tossing and turning for last 30 minutes. This way both of us can get some sleep. So just close your eyes and sleep.

Aroon face turn red due to intimate position they are in but he closes his eyes and goes to sleep. 5 minutes later a smile appears on his face hearing Aroon's gentle snores.

Atid: You sleep like a baby.

Atid slightly turns his body and hugs him tight. He then closes his eyes and drifts into deep sleep.

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