Chapter 3

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Aroon hardly got any sleep the entire night. He was tossing and turning in his bed as Atid's words repeatedly played in his mind. He tried to distract himself by reading books and playing games but nothing helped. Finally he fell asleep in the wee hours of morning.

Aroon woke up to his alarm ringing continuously. He gets up groaning and shuts the alarm with a bang. He gets up from his bed and goes to the washroom to freshen up. He looks in the mirror and grimaces on seeing the dark circles formed under his eyes.

Aroon: I hate you Atid. I hate you so much.

Aroon rubs his face with his hands in frustration. He realizes he had to get back to office and immerse himself in work. He cannot go on like this. He quickly takes a shower and changes into his work clothes. He then walks out of his room to have breakfast.

As Aroon enters the dining room, he is shocked to see Atid waiting for him along with his parents at the breakfast table. Atid looks at him and smiles but he keeps a stern face.

Ming: Good morning son.

Aroon: Good morning dad.

Ming: Atid is here to pick you.

Aroon: Why?

Davika:  He said he want to take you out somewhere.

Aroon: But I

Atid: I have already informed Chai that I  won't be coming to office. He said he will take care of all the meetings.

Ming: I informed Kiet to take care of your meetings.

Aroon looks at Atid with an unreadable expression. He then looks at his parents who are looking so happy seeing them together.

Atid: So, do you want to have breakfast here or can we have it somewhere outside?

Aroon: Let's have breakfast outside.

Atid: Okay. Mom, dad, we will take your leave now. I will drop him back safely in the evening.

Ming: Hmm. You boys enjoy your date.

Aroon: Bye mom,dad.

They both leave the dining room and walks towards the main entrance. As they exit the house, Atid holds Aroon's hand but let it go as Aroon wince in pain. Atid looks at him in concern but he does not look at him. Atid tries to look at his hand but he pushes him away.

Atid: Aroon please

Aroon reluctantly let's Atid hold his hand. Atid frowns on seeing the wound on Aroon's wrist.

Atid: Did I..

Aroon does not say anything and just looks away. Atid holds his hand gently and brings him towards his car. He then makes him sit in the car.

Atid: Wait here. I will just come.

He quickly opens the dashboard and takes out a first aid kit from it. He opens it and takes out an ointment. He then gently applies it on Aroon's wrist.

Atid: I....I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Aroon: But you always do.

Atid looks at Aroon with guilt.

Atid: I was angry and frustrated when I heard Anong eloped with your friend. I..

Aroon: You assumed the worst about me.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: I don't blame you. You don't know me. You never tried to know me.

Atid: But I want to

Aroon: Huh

Atid: I want to know you Aroon. I want to be your friend. Can we start over?

Aroon: Why?

Atid: I don't know. When I saw your tears yesterday, I didn't like it. I hated the fact that I accused you of something without knowing you. I want to know you Aroon. I want to be your friend. I want to be the person you can confide in.

Aroon looks at him with tears in his eyes.

Atid: Aroon, we are getting married whether we like it or not. We may not love each other but we can be friends who take care of each other. We can be two friends living together until one of us find our true love. That day, we can happily let go of each other and be friends for life. Can we do that?

Aroon looks at Atid and nods his head.

Atid: Then the first rule in this marriage is no tears. I hate to see you crying.

Atid gently wipes the tears from Aroon's face.

Aroon: What is the second rule?

Atid: Hmmm, how about discussing it over breakfast.

Atid's tummy growls and Aroon starts laughing.

Aroon: Let's go my friend.

Atid: Okay my friend.

They both get into the car, put on the seatbelts and drive off from there.

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