Chapter 10

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Atid: Hello my dear Husband.

Aroon: Atiiid

Atid starts laughing on hearing Aroon's whining noise.

Atid: Sorry. Sorry. I was just joking.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: But on a serious note, are you okay getting married to me?

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Aroon, I don't know what I feel for you or how our married life would be. But one thing I know is that I like your company. We can start as friends and see how this relationship progresses. If some day, one of us no longer want to be in this relation or finds the one they love, we can get separated amicably. Do you agree?

Aroon: Hmm. I like being with you Atid.  We will give this marriage a chance. But if does not work out as you said, we can still be friends.

Atid: Hmm. So let's get married Mr.Aroon Ananada.

Aroon: Okay Mr.Atid Chanthara.

They both starts laughing and joking around.

Atid: Okay then. I will see you soon.

Aroon: Hmm. Goodnight

Atid: Goodnight

They disconnects the call and go to sleep.

Atid and Aroon did not meet each other for past 5 days due to their hectic schedule. They were working late nights and did not even have time to call or message each other. They missed each other a lot.

It is Friday night and Atid is still stuck in his office. He just finished a conference call with their new client. Aroon was also on the call. He was seeing him after a long time and he looked worn out and anxious. Atid wanted to meet him but he still had two more files to check. He decided to complete his work as soon as possible and meet Aroon if he is free.

Atid just finished the last file and he looked at the time. It was already past midnight. He took his phone to call Aroon but dropped the idea as he didn't want to disturb him if he is sleeping. Suddenly his phone starts ringing and he was surprised to see Aroon's name being displayed on the screen. He quickly picked the call.

Atid: Hello

Aroon: Hello Atid

Aroon voice sound low and exhausted.

Atid: Are you in office?

Aroon: Hmm. Just finished my work. Where are you? Did I disturb you?

Atid: No. I am still stuck at my office.

Aroon: Can we meet?

Atid: Hmm. Let's meet at home.

Aroon: Home?

Atid: My condo. It's already weekend. We can spend Saturday at my condo and come back on Sunday.

Aroon: Hmm. I will inform my parents and meet you at the condo.

Atid: Do you want me to pick you?

Aroon: No. I will come in my car.

Atid: Okay. See you there.

Aroon: Hmm. Bye

Atid quickly packs his things and exits the office. He gets some take away on the way to the condo. As he reaches his condo's parking lot, he sees Aroon waiting next to his car. He gets out of his car and walks towards Aroon. His hair and clothes were disheveled and his face looked tired.

Aroon reached Atid's condo 10 minutes back. He decided to wait for Atid in the parking lot. Soon he saw Atid's car enter the gate and come towards the parking lot. Atid gets out of the car and starts walking towards him. He looked tired just like him. As soon as he reached him, Aroon hugged him tight. He felt relaxed when Atid hugged him back.

Atid pulls out of the hug and looks at Aroon's face.

Atid: Tired?

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Let's go inside and have something to eat. We can rest after that.

Aroon nods his head. Atid goes back to the car and gets the take away. He then holds Aroon's hand and walks into the building.

After entering the condo, Atid asks Aroon to freshen up. After Aroon comes out of the bathroom, Atid goes to freshen up and Aroon sets the table for dinner. They both have dinner in silence. After dinner, Aroon goes to clean the dishes but Atid insists on doing it. At the end Atid wash the dishes whike Aroon dries and puts it away.

After dinner, Atid and Aroon stands in the balcony enjoying the night view.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: You look exhausted.

Aroon: Hmm. You are not much better than me.

Atid: Hmm. The new client is very demanding.

Aroon: I know.

Atid: It's already late Let's go to bed and get some rest.

Aroon: Hmm

They turn off the lights and walk into the bedroom. They both lie on their sides of the bed and Atid turns off the light. As soon the room turns dark, Atid felt Aroon turn around and come closer to him. He opened his arms for him and he moved closer and snuggled in. Atid wrapped his arms around him tightly as he snuggled in closer.

Atid: Good night Aroon.

Aroon: Good night

Soon they drifted into deep sleep as the day's tiredness caught up to them.

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