Chapter 17

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It was breaking dawn and sunlight seeped into the room through the windows. There is complete silence in the room except for shallow breathing sounds of two people who are in deep sleep entangled in each other's arms. As the birds chirped outside the window, one of them slowly opened  his eyes and looked at the person lying next to him, hugging him tightly. A smile bloomed on his face as looked a cute child like face.


"It's the first time someone has called me cute."


"Yes Aroon"

Aroon turns around embarrassed as he was caught staring at Atid. Atid takes hold of his shoulders and turn him around forcefully to face him.

Atid: Aroon, look at me.

Aroon raises his head to look at Atid.

Atid: I don't know what caused you to be stressed yesterday, but I don't want us to spend the rest of our honeymoon being sad or being away from each other. So, can we keep all our issues aside and enjoy our holidays with a smile.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Great. So, let's start our day pampering ourselves. I have booked a spa session for us to relax and rejuvenate. The past two weeks have been really tiring. The spa session will help us relax.

Aroon: Okay

They quickly complete their morning routines and have a light breakfast. After the breakfast they are taken to the spa by the hotel staff. Atid and Aroon quickly changes into a gown provided by the staff. They are then taken to the massage room. Atid quickly takes off the gown and gets ready to lie on the table while Aroon stands there awkwardly.

Atid: Hey, what happened? Why are you not changing?

Aroon: I ....

Atid looks at the staff standing beside them and asks them to give them a few minutes. Once they are left alone in the room, Atid slowly walks towards Aroon. Aroon's eyes are stuck on Atid's well built muscles and tight abs. He closes his eyes tight as Atid stand before him in his shorts.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Are you scared?

Aroon: No

Atid: Then what's wrong?

Aroon: I ... I am shy. I have never been to a spa session. I am not comfortable about my body.

Atid: Look at me Aroon.

Aroon looks at Atid and their eyes gets locked. Atid holds the ties of the gown and pulls it gently. The knot unties and the gown opens up. Atid gently pushes the gown from his shoulder and it pools at his feet. Aroon breaks the eye lock as he feels cold air hitting his body. He tries to cover his body with his hands as he realizes that the gown is gone.

Atid: Don't

Atid quickly takes his hands away from his body and looks at him intensely.

Atid: Beautiful

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Why are you embarrassed Aroon? If you look from my eyes, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Don't feel shy and be confident.

Aroon feels relaxed after hearing Atid's words.

Atid: Go lie down and enjoy the massage.

Soon the massage starts and they enjoy a great spa session.

After the spa session, both of them feel completely relaxed and rejuvenated. They go back to the room to get changed into something comfortable and then decide to have lunch in the hotel restaurant.

In the restaurant:

Atid chooses a table in the corner, far from the crowd.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: I need to use the restroom real quick.

Aroon: Okay

Atid: You just order something for us. I will be back soon.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon goes through the menu and orders couple of Atid's favorite dishes. In the last couple of weeks spend with Atid, he came to know about his likes and dislikes. So it was easy for him to order food for him. After ordering the food, he decides to scroll through his phone while waiting for Atid. As he is going through his phone, he felt as if someone is watching him. He subtly looked around but did not find anything suspicious. He goes back to checking photos on his phone. Suddenly he felt someone standing next to his table. He looks up and sees a guy smiling at him.

Guy: Hi handsome. Mind if I join you?

Atid just came out of the restroom and was walking towards his table, when he saw a tall guy going in the same direction. He stops near their table and looks at Aroon with a smile. Atid looks at the smile and immediately knew what it means. He quickly rushes to his table.

At the table:

Guy: Hi handsome. Mind if I join you?

Aroon looks at the guy in shock. He looks in the direction of the restroom and was relieved to see Atid coming towards him. He quickly comes and stands next to Aroon and places his hand on his shoulder.

Atid: Excuse me. Can I help you?

The guy looks at Atid who was standing next to Aroon and staring at him with cold eyes.

Guy: I just thought of giving him company as he seem to be lonely.

Atid: Thank you for kind gesture but he is not alone. He is with me. I am his husband.

Guy: Oh! I am sorry to intrude.

The guy quickly walks away from there.
Atid let go of Aroon and sits facing him.

Atid: Why didn't you tell him that you are with me?

Aroon: I..I was shocked. No one ever approached me like that.

Atid: Were the people around you blind?

Aroon: Huh

Atid:.Nothing. Our food is here. Let's eat.

Aroon just nods his head and starts eating. Atid looks around and found guys and girls ogling at Aroon. He felt so irritated.

Atid(in mind): I need to keep an eye on you. You are so clueless about how adorable you are.

They continue eating as Atid formulates strategies to keep the guys away from Aroon.

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