Chapter 4

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Atid drives the car as Aroon enjoys the view outside.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: What is your favorite food?

Aroon: Fried crispy pork with Chinese broccoli. What about you?

Atid: Pizza.

Aroon: Really?

Atid nods his head and smiles like a child.

Atid: So, where would you like to eat?

Aroon: My condo

Atid: Huh

Aroon: Let's go to my condo, order pizza and watch some movies.

Atid: Really?

Aroon nods his head. Atid looks at him with twinkling eyes as he drive towards the condo.

At Aroon's condo:

Atid enters Aroon's condo and is mesmerized by the place and the view.

Atid enters Aroon's condo and is mesmerized by the place and the view

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Atid: It's beautiful.

Aroon: Thank you. I designed it while I was in college. This is my hideout and favorite getaway.

Atid: It's really peaceful in here and the view is incredible.

Atid stands on the balcony and admires the view as Aroon orders for their pizza and drinks. After placing the order, Aroon joins Atid on the balcony.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: You said you have a girlfriend. When we get married..

Atid: We broke up.

Aroon: Why?

Atid: Eventhough our marriage is arranged, it's not fair to either one of you if I keep her as my girlfriend while being your husband. So we broke up.

Aroon: Was it bad?

Atid: She was upset but later she understood my situation. So we talked and decided to be friends. I still see her every day.

Aroon:  Huh

Atid: She is my PA.

Aroon: Oh!

Atid: Well, speaking of girlfriends, that is our 2nd rule. No girlfriends, boyfriends or one night stands while we are married. If we find the one, we will talk to each other and get a divorce. Agreed?

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: What about you? Any girlfriends?

Aroon: I....I am gay.

Atid: So

Aroon: I never had a boyfriend.

Atid: What? Not even a crush?

Aroon: Just one.

Atid: What happened to him?

Aroon: I never told him.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: It's too late now. I am not his type.

Atid: Oh!

Aroon and Atid remain silent for a minute.

Atid: You will find your special someone someday.

Aroon: I hope so too.

Aroon and Atid look at each other and smile.

Aroon: You know this is the longest we have spoken to each other till now.

Atid: Hmm. I kind of like this.

Aroon: Me too.

Atid: Keeping these serious topics aside, which movie are we watching today?

Aroon: Your choice.

Atid happily walks inside and raises Aroon's closet for a movie.

Atid: I got it.

Aroon: Show me.

Atid passes the movie to Aroon.

Aroon: Joker? It's my favorite movie.

Atid: Let's watch it.

Aroon plays the movie and they settle down next to each other eating pizza and drinking their coke. Half way through the movie, Aroon fall asleep on Atid's shoulder. He turns off the TV and slowly lays Aroon down with his head lying on his lap. Atid takes out his phone and plays game on it as Aroon sleeps on his lap peacefully.

Aroon wakes up after an hour to find him lying on Atid's lap. He quickly gets up and adjusts his shirt and hair.

Aroon: I am sorry. I..

Atid: It's okay. You looked really tired.

Aroon: Your legs must be hurting because of my weight.

Atid: No. I am fine.

Atid tries to stand up but wobbles as he could not feel his legs. He tries to take a step but loses balance and falls forward. Aroon catches before he hits the ground.

Aroon: Careful

Atid: Thanks

Aroon: Just sit on the couch for a second and stretch your legs.

Atid stretches his legs and he feels better after some time.

Atid: It's already 6pm. Let's go back home.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon quickly cleans the place and throws away the garbage. He then turns off the lights and walks out of the condo behind Atid.

As they travel back home, there is a comforting silence between them. They  just listen to the music and watch the view outside the entire drive back home. Soon they reach Aroon's house. Atid parks his car outside the house and looks at Aroon.

Atid: It was nice spending time with you.

Aroon: I liked it too.

Atid: Let's do it again.

Aroon: Hmm. I will go now.

Atid: Hmm

Aroon steps out of the car and then stops for a second. He turns around and quickly gives a peck on Atid's cheek.

Aroon: Thank you and Good night.

Aroon quickly gets out of the car and runs inside.

A smile appears on Atid's face as he caresses his cheek.

Atid: Cute

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