Chapter 12

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Atid: I said, I hate to see you cry. If you don't stop, I will kiss you till you stop crying.

Aroon looks at Atid in shock. Aroon quickly wipes his tears and tries to get off Atid's lap. But Atid holds him down and looks at him with a smile on his face.

Atid: I was just joking. I just wanted you to stop crying. Are you feeling okay now?

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Aroon, you need to stop taking people's words into your heart. You will find so many people who are against same sex relationships and marriages. That doesn't mean we need to change for them. We just need to learn to live ignoring them. There are so many things in the world that we don't like and we cannot change. We just live along with those things. Me and you just need to care about each other and live with each other. Nothing else matters.

Aroon looks at Atid with tear filled eyes. Suddenly Atid kisses Aroon on.his lips.

Aroon: Hey

Atid: I told you not to tear. Do you want one more? You are still crying.

Aroon scrambles out of his lap, back to his seat. He puts on the seatbelt and looks outside. Atid starts to laugh as he could see Aroon's face and ears turning red blushing.

Atid: Cute

Atid then starts the car and drives away from there.

They spend the rest of the day cleaning the condo and watching movies. Aroon prepares a simple rice and omelet for dinner and they sleep early due to exhaustion.

They go back home Sunday morning as their parents wanted them to see the venue and meet the caterer with them. So they met their parents outside the wedding venue. The  place look stunning even though it was not decorated as yet. They sat down with the wedding planner and sorted out the wedding invitation, decorations and food. After everything was done, Atid and Aroon left for their respective homes.

The next 5 days were really hectic for Atid and Aroon because they were busy completing the pending work. They were scheduled for a two week vacation  after the wedding and they didn't want anything disturbing them during that time. It was decided that Ming and Narong would be running the company during this two weeks with the help of Chai and Keit.

It is Saturday and both households are busy as the wedding is scheduled for next day morning 10. Atid and Aroon tried their suits on to check the fittings. They were relieved that there was not much alterations.  They were asked to rest and go to bed early as the wedding day was going to be long day due to the reception that was to follow the wedding ceremony.

Finally, it is the day of the wedding. Aroon is woken up by his phone ringing. He picks his phone and is surprised to see Atid calling him. He quickly answers the call

Aroon: Hello

Atid: Hey

There is complete silence for few seconds.

Atid: It's D day. Are you nervous?

Aroon: A little.

Atid: Me too.

Aroon smiles.

Atid: So, let's meet at the wedding.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid disconnects the call and lay down on the bed. He closes his eyes and shouts in nervousness.

Atid: Shit, I am getting married today. His hands and legs shake in nervousness.

Meanwhile Aroon was walking left right in his room. He looks at himself in the mirror and smiles.

Aroon: I am getting married to Atid. Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach?

Atid and Aroon takes bath and leaves for the venue along with their family and friends. Each of them is allotted a room at the venue to get dressed.

Aroon is in his room along with Kiet.

Kiet: Nervous?

Aroon: Hmm

Kiet: Why? You have been spending time with each other for last two weeks. You seem to get along well.

Aroon: I know. But today, I am getting married. Marriage is something permanent. I am frightened if I can meet his expectations. He once said that I am not his type.

Kiet: Aroon, this is not a typical marriage where you fall in love with your partner and get married. This is an arranged marriage where you just became friends. I am sure you will be great together once you start to understand each other better.

Aroon: What if he feels I am not the one for him?

Kiet: We will talk about that when the situation arises. Today, Let's be happy.

Aroon: Hmm.

Aroon gets dressed in his suit with Kiet's help. He sits there nervously waiting for his cue.

Meanwhile Atid was pacing up and down in tension. Chai was getting irritated by Atid's pacing.  He catches hold of him and makes him sit on the couch.

Chai: I want you close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Atid does as he is asked to.

Chai: Now tell me what's bothering you.

Atid: I.. I have been so rude to Aroon all my life. But he forgave me so soon. I am  worried if I am the right person for him.

Chai: Do you want to call off the wedding?

Atid: NO

Chai smiles hearing Atid shout in panic.

Chai: Then smile and get dressed. He is waiting for you.

Atid: What if he realizes I am not the one for him?

Chai: Then you need to prove that you are right one. If it does not work, then let him go. You can still be friends.

Atid: I.. I

Chai: You have started to fall for him Atid.

Atid just looks down not saying anything.

Chai: If you want him with you the entire life, then work hard to prove what he means to you.

Atid does not say anything and sits there lost in his thoughts.

Chai: Come on, get dressed. It's time to go and get married.

Atid quickly changes into his suit and walks down to the hall along with Chai.

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