Chapter 5

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It's been two days since Atid and Aroon had their date. They send messages asking each others whereabouts and how they are doing. The texts were casual but they were making progress as friends. Aroon was really happy about that.

Today was really a hectic day for Aroon. He had a meeting with a new client who were not satisfied by some aspects of their presentation. So he decided to work with Kiet to get things sorted out.

Aroon was busy checking some financial documents with Kiet when he heard a knock on his door. He looked at the door irritated.

Aroon: How many times have I told you not to disturb me during a meeting Prim?

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Aroon looks up surprised on hearing that voice.

Aroon: Atid

Atid was standing at door and smiling.

Atid: Hey. I can come back later if you are busy.

Aroon: No, it's okay. What brings you here during office hours?

Atid: Well, it's alright 1.30 pm and we have a meeting regarding our new project at 3. So I thought we could have lunch and then go for the meeting. But if you are busy...

Aroon: No, its okay. Why are still standing at the door? Come inside.

Atid walks into the cabin and goes towards Atid. He gives him a hug and then looks at Kiet who was standing there looking at their interaction.

Aroon: Sorry, I forgot to introduce you.

Aroon looks at Kiet and speaks.

Aroon: Atid, this is Kiet, my close friend and company's CFO.

Atid forwards his hand for a handshake.

Aroon: And Keit, this Atid,...

Keit: I know. CEO of Chanthara Technologies.

Atid: And Aroon's fiancee.

Keit: Oh!

Keit looks at them in shock.

Aroon: Sorry, I forgot to tell you about our engagement. You were on leave during the collaboration press conference. We got engaged that day.

Keit: Congratulations

Aroon and Atid: Thank you.

Keit: I will check these documents in my cabin. You guys can enjoy your lunch.

Aroon: Thanks dude.

Keit quickly collects all the files and exits the cabin.

Atid: He likes you.

Aroon: Ofcourse. I like him too. He is my friend.

Atid: He like you. More than a friend.

Aroon: Oh!

There is a slight pause as Aroon digests the news.

Aroon: How do you know?

Atid: I saw it in his eyes. He was disturbed by our engagement news.

Aroon: But I never

Atid: I know. I won't blame him though.

Aroon: Huh

Atid: In the last few days that I came to know you, I can say that you are really cute.

Aroon blushes on hearing that.

Atid: Poor guy must be crushing on you for a long time but you are so oblivious.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Okay,okay. Let's leave all that. Let's go for lunch.

Aroon: What do you want to have? Pizza?

Atid: No. How about crispy fried pork with broccoli?

Aroon face lit up with a huge smile.

Aroon: Hmm. Let's go. I know a good restaurant that serves good crispy pork.

Atid catches hold of Aroon's hand and they walk out of the cabin.

In the restaurant:

Atid and Aroon had their lunch bickering and pulling each other's legs. Suddenly Aroon starts to laugh looking at Atid.

Atid: What? Is there something on my face?

Aroon: You eat like a child. Your face is covered with sauce.

Atid: Where?

Atid tries to wipe it using the tissue.

Aroon: It's still there.

Atid: Where?

Aroon: Wait.

Aroon quickly gets up and moves towards Atid. He then wipes off the sauce on his lips and face using his hand. Atid chokes on his saliva as Aroon's fingers graze over his lips. Suddenly Aroon realizes what he did. He quickly moves back to his seat and starts eating without looking at Atid. There was an awkward silence for few seconds.

Atid: Don't do it to anyone else.

Aroon: Huh

Atid: People may misunderstand your intentions.

Aroon does not say anything and just nods his head. Rest of the lunch goes on silence as both of them were lost in their thoughts. After lunch, they go back to Aroon's office as they had a meeting scheduled for that afternoon. The meeting goes smoothly and Atid leaves the office after saying goodbye to Aroon.

That evening in Aroon's office:

Aroon was busy with some files when Keit enters his office with some documents.

Aroon: Hey. You are still here.

Keit: Yeah, I just finished working on the new clients financial reports.

Aroon: Great. I will check them when I reach home.

Keit: Hmm

Keit gets up to leave but stops abruptly.

Keit: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Keit: I thought you hate Atid.

Aroon: I did.

Keit: Then

Aroon: We decided to be friends when our parents decided to get us engaged. After knowing him, I guess I was wrong about him.

Keit: So you like him.

Aroon: Hmm.

Keit: I am happy for you.

Keit starts to walk away from there.

Aroon: Keit

Keit: Hmm

Aroon: I am sorry. I never realized your..

Keit: It's not your fault. I never said anything.

Keit looks at Aroon and smiles before exiting the cabin.

Aroon: I am sorry Keit. I know how it feels have a unrequited love.

Aroon sighs and looks outside as he is lost in his thoughts.

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