Chapter 22

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Atid was half way to his office when he got a call from Chai saying that his client meeting has been cancelled due to some personal emergency. He checked with him if he had any other important appointments for the day. Since there was nothing important scheduled, he decided to go back home and take Aroon out for lunch.

Atid reached home and took the lift to his floor. As he stepped out of the lift, he was surprised to see the door to his condo open. As he neared the apartment, he heard two voices arguing with each other. One was Aroon but he did not recognize the second one. He decided to go inside and find out who the second person is but stops midway on hearing Niran's name. He clenches his fist in anger thinking about what he did to his sister and his family. He was about to confront him but stood frozen in place hearing their conversations.

Aroon: You could have just told me instead of getting the entire family into trouble. Because of you, we had to face so much embarrassment.

Niran: I know. I am sorry. I am so sorry that you had to marry Atid because of me. I know how badly he has treated you since junior high and being his husband is such a big blow to your pride.

Atid felt like a tight slap has landed on his face. He knew he treated Aroon badly in the past but is being married to him hurting his pride.

Aroon: It's not..

Niran: Why did you say yes for this marriage Aroon? I know you have someone else in your heart. Why didn't you just tell you parents about that? I am sure they would have understood.

Atid(in mind): Aroon loves someone else. Was it the same person he talked about when I asked him about his crush? Did I come in between two people who could have become a great couple? Am I the reason for his unrequited love?

Aroon: But I..

Niran: I don't understand how your parents can't see how Atid treated you all these years. He is such a moron and arrogant jerk that no one would ever want to marry him.

Atid could no longer listen to this conversation. He walks away from there in silence. He got into his car and drove away from there.

Meanwhile in the condo:

Niran was surprised by Aroon's revelation. He realized that his friend has fallen in love with his husband. He was not happy about this news as he did not have good impression about Atid but he wanted to support his friend in all his decisions. So he accepted his love.

Niran: Aroon, I understand you are scared but from what you are telling me, I think Atid also have same feelings for you. You need to tell him if you want to know what he feels.

Aroon: But

Niran: Take a risk Aroon. You never know, he might be thinking just like you and hiding his feelings. If he does not feel the same, it will at least prepare your heart to accept him as your friend when he finds the one for him.

Aroon: Hmm. I think you are right. I will definitely think about it.

Niran: Good. So I will leave now. Anong is alone at home. I promised to take her out for dinner.

Aroon: Next time bring her with you. Atid misses her so much.

Niran: Hmm. I know. She misses him too. I will take her to meet her parents this weekend. I need to apologize to them and get their blessings.

Aroon smiles on hearing Niran's plans of reconciliation with the family. They hug each other and say their goodbye.

Aroon spend the rest of the day cleaning. After that he takes bath and then  prepares dinner for Atid and him. He decides to watch a movie while waiting for Atid to return home.

It's already 11 pm and there was no signs of Arid. Aroon decides to call his cellphone and find out when he is coming back home. He tried multiple times but Atid did not answer his call. He then tried the office phone and Atid finally answered his call.

Aroon: Hello

Atid: Hello

Aroon: Oh, you are still in office. Are you busy?

Atid: Hmm. I have some urgent work that need to be completed. I won't be coming home for dinner. I will have something here.

Aroon: I

Atid disconnects the call before Aroon could complete his sentence.

Aroon: He must be busy. I will talk to him tomorrow.

Aroon eats his food and goes to bed.

Next day morning when Aroon wakes up to find the other side of empty. The bed looked like no one slept on it.

Aroon: Did he spend the night at his office?

Aroon walks out of the bedroom and was surprised to see pillows and comforter on the couch. There were empty cups of coffee lying on the table. It looked like Atid did come home the previous night. He was confused as to why he didn't wake him up. He checked the entire house but Atid was not there. He tried calling him but he didn't answer his call.

It's been 3 days since Aroon last saw Atid. Atid came after Aroon went to bed and went away before he woke up. He never answered his calls and just left a message saying that he is busy. Now Aroon was certain that Atid was avoiding him for some reason. But he was determined to find out the reason and solve the issue. He didn't want any misunderstanding to effect their relationship. He decided to go to Atid's office and meet him there. Aroon gets dressed and asks his driver to pick him up from the condo.

Aroon: I am coming Atid. Let's talk about whatever is bothering you.

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