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It's been a week since Atid has been admitted in the hospital. It is finally the day when he has been given a green signal by the doctors to go home. Atid has already told his parents that he will be going back to his condo with Aroon.

Atid: Chai

Chai: Hmm

Atid: Where is Aroon? I haven't seen him since morning.

Chai: He had to go to the office urgently.  Some new client wanted an urgent meeting to discuss something. He tried to postpone it but they were adamant.

Atid: Hmm

Chai: I have completed the discharge formalities and packed your things. I will take you home and stay with you until Aroon returns home.

Atid: Okay

Chai keeps all the things in his car and then helps Atid into the car. They then leave the hospital for Atid's condo. After reaching the condo, Chai picks the bag and walks along with Atid to his condo. As they are standing at the door, Chai realizes he has forgotten something in the car.

Chai: I forgot my laptop and some papers in the car. You go inside. I will go and get it.

Atid: Hmm

Atid takes his bag from Chai's hand and opens the door. As he enters his house, he is surprised to be greeted by scented candles lit all around the house. There is a trail of roses leading to his bedroom. He walks on the trail and enters the bedroom. The entire room is decorated with candles and flowers but what caught his attention is the gorgeous person standing before him.

Aroon turns around as he hear the bedroom door opening. He looks at Atid with a shy smile as he stares at him with a glint in his eyes. He slowly walks towards Atid.

Atid could not believe that it's his Aroon who is walking towards him. He looked mesmerizing in Atid's white shirt. The top three buttons of the shirt are undone and he is wearing a tiny shorts underneath the shirt and it is barely visible. His hair is wet and disheveled and those long white legs are so tantalizing that Atid could not get his eyes off them. Aroon is now standing before him and they both are breathing so harshly that it is the only sound that is heard in the room.

Atid looks at Aroon and their eyes lock but Aroon looks away unable to hold Atid's smoldering gaze. Atid holds Aroon's chin and turns his face to look at him but he keeps his gaze down.

Atid: Look at me Aroon.

Aroon raises his eyes and looks at Atid.

Atid: Do you have any idea what you're doing to me right now?

Aroon: I... I just wanted to surprise you.

Atid: You did. And what a pleasant surprise it is.

Atid runs his eyes over Aroon's entire body and then his eyes once again locks with Aroon's.

Atid: You are beautiful. You are so beautiful that I want to lock you away from the entire world and keep you for myself.

Aroon: I am yours Atid.

Atid: Then today can I claim what is mine?

Aroon nods his head.

Atid does not waste a second more and crashes Aroon's lips with his. He takes his lower lips into his mouth. A moan escapes Aroon's mouth as he nibble and suck on his lips. The kiss turns searing hot as Atid's tongue enter Aroon's mouth and their tongues battle for dominance. They let go of each other's lips after a long time as they are short of breath. Atid then pushes Aroon's shirt off his shoulder and places open mouth kisses over his shoulders and neck as Aroon moans his name.

Aroon: Atìiìid

Atid explores Aroon's entire body and marks him with bites and kisses. He slowly pulls the shirt off Aroon's body and lays him on the bed. He looked like a work of art as the shadows made by the candle light played on his body. Atid quickly discards his clothes and stands before him in his boxer. Aroon raises his arms urging him to come forward. He walks forward and lies on Aroon's body. As their bare bodies touch each other, a shiver turns through their entire body. Atid looks into Aroon's eyes and removes the remaining piece of cloth on their body. He then once again claims Aroon's lips as he enters him slowly. The room is filled with their moans as they become one emotionally and physically. As they are about to reach the climax, Atid places a chaste kiss on Aroon's forehead and whispers.

Atid: You are mine.

Aroon: Yes, I am yours always and forever.

A tear escapes Aroon's eyes as he reaches his climax.

Aroon: I love you.

Atid: I love you too my Aroon.

Meanwhile in the condo parking lot.

Chai runs towards parking lot after leaving Atid at his condo. He enters his car and lets out a sigh.

"Did you leave him at the door?"

Chai looks at the person sitting in the passenger seat with a smile.

Chai: Hmm. I did. I hope he doesn't kill me Kiet.

Kiet: I don't think he will have time to think about you tonight.

Chai: What do you mean?

Kiet: Come closer to me and I will tell you what I mean.

Chai leans in closer to Kiet. Kiet holds his nape and pulls him forward crashing their lips together. He kisses him harshly and let go off his lips with a pop sound. Chai looks at Kiet in daze.

Kiet: Now, do you get what I mean?

Chai's eyes suddenly goes dark with lust. He looks at Kiet with a smirk. He holds his hand and pulls him closer for a kiss but Kiet stops him by placing his hands between their lips.

Kiet: What about my punishment for ignoring your request of not telling Aroon about Atid. You said no kisses and hugs for a week. We still have two more days to go.

Chai looks at Kiet who was looking at him with puppy eyes. His gaze fell over those swollen rosy lips and he could no longer control himself.

Chai: To hell with the punishment.

He pulls Kiet towards him and kisses him harshly. He then starts the car and looks at him with a smirk.

Chai: Put on the seatbelt. I am taking you home baby. You wanted to get punished right? You are getting it tonight.

Kiet let out a shriek as the car takes off at full speed.

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