Chapter 21

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Aroon was surprised to find himself on his bed. Last thing he remember is waiting for Atid at the dining table. He looked beside him and the bed is empty.

Aroon: Where did he go so early?

"Hey,you are awake?"

Aroon looks at Atid who is standing at the door with a breakfast tray.

Atid: Goodmorning. Breakfast in bed.

Atid puts the breakfast tray on Aroon's lap and looks at him with a smile.

Aroon: I thought you left for office.

Atid: No, I called and informed them that I will come in late.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: So, have your breakfast before it gets cold.

Aroon: Let me brush my teeth and freshen up.

Atid: Okay.

Aroon keeps the tray aside and goes to the washroom. After completing his  morning routine, he starts to have the breakfast prepared by Atid.

Atid: How is it?

Aroon: It's good. Why don't you try some.

Aroon takes a spoonful and feeds Atid.

Atid: Hmm. Not bad for first time.

Aroon smiles and continues eating and occasionally feeding Atid.

Aroon: So, how did the deal go?

Atid: We got it.

Aroon: Congrates. I am proud of you.

Atid: Thank you.

Aroon finishes his breakfast and wash the dishes. Meanwhile Atid gets ready for his office.

Atid: I will leave for office now.

Aroon: I am thinking of going back to office tomorrow. Its quite boring being alone here.

Atid: Hmm. Do whatever makes you happy.

Atid walks towards Aroon and places a quick peck on his forehead.

Atid: Bye. I will see you tonight.

Aroon just nods his head blushing.

Atid goes to office and Aroon decides to spend his time doing some cleaning. He was just about to dust the furniture when he heard the doorbell ringing. He was surprised to hear the bell ringing as he was not expecting any guest. He thought it might be Atid who has forgotten to take something. He quickly goes and opens the door. He is shocked to see the person standing outside.

Aroon: Niran

Aroon: Niran

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Niran: Hey

Aroon: So you finally decided to show up.

Niran looks at Aroon with an awkward smile.

Niran: I am sorry. I didn't mean to betray you. I panicked when I heard that you are going to marry Anong. So I just had to do something.

Aroon: You could have just told me instead of getting the entire family into trouble. Because of you, we had to face so much embarrassment.

Niran: I know. I am sorry. I am so sorry that you had to marry Atid because of me. I know how badly he has treated you since junior high and being his husband is such a big blow to your pride.

Aroon: It's not..

Niran: Why did you say yes for this marriage Aroon? I know you have someone else in your heart. Why didn't you just tell you parents about that? I am sure they would have understood.

Aroon: But I..

Niran: I don't understand how your parents can't see how Atid treated you all these years. He is such a moron and arrogant jerk that no one would ever want to marry him.


Niran is shocked by Aroon's outburst. He just stands there with his mouth shut.

Aroon: I didn't marry Atid because my parents told me to. I married him because I wanted to. I agree to the fact that he has hurt me several times in the past but there was also a time he was my bestfriend and took care of me. Ego and competition turned our friendship into rivalry. The truth is that neither of us tried hard to clear things between us and our distance grew with our age. When my parents asked me to marry him, we both did not like the idea. We rebelled but agreed to try for them. For the first time in our life, he took initiative and forwarded the hand of friendship. We spend time talking to each other and our bond strengthened. He apologized for his behavior and I accepted him. We decided to get married and start our relationship as friends. In the last 1 week I have spend with him as my husband, I have gone through so many emotions. I felt happy,sad,angry,jealous, possessive. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. I..

Niran looks at his friend in shock

Niran: You are in love.... You have fallen in love with your husband.

Aroon just looks at Niran with tear filled eyes and then drops down on his knees, covering his face with his hand.
Niran quickly runs and hugs him tight.

Aroon: Yes, I have fallen in love with my husband. I...

Niran looks at Aroon and asks

Niran: What about him? Does he love you?

Aroon: I don't know...I really don't know. I am so scared Niran. I am so scared to ask him.

Niran hugs his friend and let him cry in his arms.

Unknown to them, someone had been listening to their conversation.

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