Chapter 23

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Aroon stops his car at a pizzeria and gets a pizza for Atid. He knew how much Atid loves pizza and since it was lunch time, he decided to surprise him with pizza. Soon they reach Chanthara Technologies. He greets the receptionist and asks if Atid is in his office. He gets into the lift and press the button for the top floor. On reaching the floor, he is greeted by Atid's secretary.

Secretary: Hello Mr. Aroon.

Aroon: Hello Miss Prim. How are you?

Secretary: I am good Sir.

Aroon: Is Atid in his cabin?

Secretary: Yes

Aroon: I will go and meet him then.

Secretary: Okay

Aroon walks towards Atid's office and knocks on the door but does not get any answer. He turns the door knob and the door opens. As he steps into the cabin, he is greeted by a shocking scene. Pringking and Atid was standing next to his desk kissing each other. The packet in his hand falls down with a thud. Aroon quickly turns around and runs away from there. As he runs he cannot see anything due to the tears filling his eyes and he collides with someone.

Aroon: I...I am sorry.. I


Aroon looks ahead and see Chai standing before him. He was shocked to see Aroon in this condition.

Chai: What happened Aroon? Why are you crying?

Aroon: I...I need to go.

Aroon runs away from there.

Chai: Aroon

Chai looks at Aroon and the open door of Atid's cabin. Chai quickly walks towards Atid's office and enters the room to see Pringking hugging Atid.

Chai: ATID

Atid pushes Pringking away on hearing Chai's voice.

Chai: What the hell are you doing Atid?

Atid: I ...

Chai: How could you do this to Aroon? How could you hug your ex girlfriend before your husband?

Atid: Aroon..he...he was here.

Atid looks at the pizza box on the floor and at Chai.

Atid: Where is he?

Chai: He left. He was crying so hard. I tried to stop him but he did not listen to me.

Atid: I need to find him.

Atid walks towards the door but Pringking stops him.

Pringking: You can't go after him. You don't love him. This is just a fake marriage.

Atid: Leave my hand Pringking. You have created enough trouble in my life. Just get out of my life.

Pringking: But I love you.

Atid: But I don't. I love my husband. I love Aroon.

Atid pushes Pringking away from him and runs out of the office. He rushes into the lift and reaches the ground floor. He gets into his car and drives towards his condo.  He reaches his condo and rings the bell but no one opens the door. He then takes his key and opens the door. He checks the entire house but Aroon was nowhere to be found. Atid tries calling Aroon's number but his phone is switched off. He tries repeatedly but with the same result. He called Aroon's house to check if he has gone home but he was not there. He then decides to wait at the condo for Aroon.

Atid waits the entire night but Aroon does not come back home. Atid once again tries Aroon's number but it was switched off. Suddenly his phone starts ringing and an unknown number is displayed on the phone. He quickly picks the call.

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