Chapter 20

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Atid woke up to the continuous ringing of his phone. He looked at Aroon who was sleeping peacefully in his arms. He slowly removed Aroon from his arms and picked his phone. He then moved out of the bedroom, not to disturb Aroon's sleep. He was surprised to see Chai's call so early in the morning.

Atid: Hello Chai

Chai: I am so sorry to disturb you during your honeymoon. But it is an emergency and I could not delay the call any longer.

Atid: What happened?

Chai: It's the new client that we signed a deal with. They are saying that they have issue with clauses mentioned in the deal. I tried talking to them but they insist on meeting you personally. I investigated on what has caused this problem and came to know that our competitor is trying to poach our clients  by offering them a better deal. I need you here to solve this.

Atid: Hmm. I will board the first flight available. Make sure all the necessary documents are ready by the time I reach office.

Chai: okay. See you soon.

Atid: Bye

Atid end the call and sits there rubbing his temple in tension. This is a prestigious deal and he couldn't afford to lose it.

"Was that Chai? What happened? Why do you look so tensed?

Atid looks at Aroon who was standing before him with tousled hair and sleepy hair.

Atid: I am sorry to wake you.

Aroon: It's okay.

Aroon walks forward and sits beside Atid. He then holds his hands and looks him with concern.

Aroon:  What's wrong? Why are you so tensed?

Atid tells Aroon about the latest problem in the company
Aroon listens to everything and then hugs Atid to calm him down.

Aroon: Don't worry. I am sure we will find a solution for this problem. You go and freshen up while I call the travel agent and book our return tickets.

Atid: I am sorry to cut short our vacation.

Aroon: Don't be. This is not just your problem but ours. We are a family Atid and we will solve this together.

Atid: Thank you

After Atid goes to the washroom, Aroon books the earliest ticket available. He then calls the room service for breakfast. He then starts to pack their bags.

Atid was surprised to see their bags packed and ready to leave.

Aroon: I will just freshen up and change my clothes.

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Tickets have been confirmed and I have asked the hotel to prepare our bills for check out. I have also ordered breakfast for you.

Atid: Okay

After Aroon gets ready, they have their breakfast and then check out from the hotel after settling their bills  Then they board the cab for airport. They board the flight to Bangkok in an hour. Aroon could feel Atid's anxiety throughout the flight. He felt concerned as he had never seen Atid in so much tension.

Once the flight lands in Bangkok,  they board their car which was waiting at the airport. Atid does not waste much time and changes into his formal wear as soon as he reaches home. He picks his laptop and all the necessary documents and starts to leave his house.

Atid: Aroon, I am leaving for office. I may be coming back late. Do not wait for me. Have your dinner and go to sleep.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon comes close to Atid and then straightens his tie. He then raises on his toe and places a kiss on his forehead. A smile appears on Atid's face.

Aroon: All the best. You can do it.

Atid: Thank you

Atid leaves for office.

Atid was swarmed with work as soon as he reached office. Chai somehow managed to get a copy of the deal made by their competitor. Atid spend the entire afternoon going through the file, trying to find out any loopholes on the deal. After hours of hardwork, he was able to gather enough data to present his data before the client. He set a meeting with the client and after a lot of arguments, he was able to convince the client that their deal was the best. They finally decided to sign the contract with Atid's company. Atid didn't want to  give them time to ponder over their decision or anyone else influence them. So he decided to sign the deal on the  same day. It's already past midnight by the time they had wind up their work in the office. Atid said goodbye to Chai and left for home.

Atid enters his house and walks into the living room. He was surprised to see Aroon sleeping on the couch holding a book. Atid gently removes the book and calls Aroon. Aroon slowly opens his eyes and looks at Atid with a smile.

Aroon: Hey

Atid: Hey. Why are you sleeping here? I told you not to wait for me.

Aroon: I know. I just wanted to make sure you have something before going to bed.

Atid felt overwhelmed by Aroon's care and concern.

Aroon: Go and freshen up. I will reheat the food for you.

Atid: hmm

Atid freshen up and have his food while Aroon keeps him company at the table. After having his dinner, he goes to wash the dishes. When he came back from the kitchen, a smile appeared on his face seeing Aroon sleeping with his head on the table.  He gently picks him up.

Aroon: Hmm ..Atid

Atid: Shhh...Sleep.

He carries him to the bedroom and gently lies him on the bed. He then gets on the bed and turns off the light. As he lie on the bed, Aroon turns around and snuggles close to him. He pulls him closer and wraps his arm around him. He then places a peck on his head and murmurs a Goodnight.

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