Chapter 6

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Atid was sitting in his office going through his files. He was working late as there were many pending work to be completed. Having lunch with Aroon was nice but that led to a lot of pending files.

Someone knocks on the door.

Atid: Come in

A good looking guy with thick eyebrows enter the room.

Atid: Chai

Chai looks at Atid and smiles as he walks towards him.

Chai: Why are you still in office?

Atid: Had some files that need to be checked?

Chai: Hmm. How was your lunch with Aroon?

Atid: Good. Actually, it was really nice.

Chai: Looks like someone is enjoying his time with his fiancee.

Atid: Chai

Chai: On a serious note, are you okay with this engagement? You used to hate that guy and now you are marrying him.

Atid: I think I might have misjudged him. When we were kids, my parents adored him and that made me jealous. I used to compete with him and try to bug him every chance I got. As we grew up, my jealousy turned to hatred for no reason. Now, when I became friends with him and came to know him better, I feel like I was being a jerk all this time.

Chai smiles looking at his friend.

Atid: He never started a fight or insulted me. It was me who always provoked him. But he definitely has a sharp tongue that can hurt real bad.

Chai: You are not a saint Atid. I still remember the day he came to congratulate you after the rugby match and you totally ignored him. He must have felt so insulted before everyone.

Atid remembers that event and feels guilty about his behavior.

Chai: I am really surprised by Aroon accepting your friendship so easily after the way you treated him all these years.

Atid: You are not the only one who is surprised. When I asked him to be my friend, I had already prepared myself for a rejection but he accepted me with a smile.

A smile appears on his face thinking about Aroon's cute dimpled smile.

Chai: Oye, why are you smiling like crazy.

Atid: His dimples are really cute when he smiles.

Chai: Don't tell me you are falling for him.

Atid: Chai

Chai: Let me remind you, you promised to let him go if he finds his true love.

Atid looks at Chai with an unreadable expression.

Chai: If you don't want to let go of your dimpled boy, then find ways to make him fall in love with you.

Chai says that and walks out of the cabin leaving a dazed Atid behind.

Atid could no longer continue his work after his conversation with Chai. He quickly packs his bag and starts to leave the office. Just then his phone beeps. He takes out his phone to check the message. A smile appears on his face on seeing Aroon's name on the screen. He quickly clicks on the message to read it.

Aroon: Hey. Are you back home?

Atid: No. Just leaving office.

Aroon: Want to have dinner with me?

Atid: Okay. Where are you?

Aroon: In your parking lot.

Atid looks out of the window and saw Aroon standing there waving at him. He quickly picks his bag, turns off the lights and rushes downstairs.

In the parking lot:

Atid: Hey

Aroon: Hey

Atid: Why didn't you call me before coming? What if I had gone home?.

Aroon: I would have gone back home.

Atid: Where do you want to eat?

Aroon: Hmm. I want to have Pad Thai.

Atid: Okay. Let me take you to have the best pad thai I have ever eaten.

Aroon: Okay

Aroon asks his driver to take his car back home as Atid said he would drop him home. Aroon gets into Atid's car and they drive away from there.

Atid parks his car a bit far from the restaurant. He takes out his coat and rolls his sleeves. Aroon looks at him curiously.

Atid: It's going to be crowded and hot in there. Just take off your coat and leave it in the car.

Aroon slowly takes out his coat. As he keeps his coat on the backseat, Atid takes his hand and undo the cuff buttons. He then gently rolls up his sleeve. He does the same to the other sleeve and looks at him with a smile.

Atid: Now you are ready. Let's go.

They get out of their car and walks towards the restaurant. The restaurant was crowded but they manage to get a seat. Atid orders two pad thai and green tea. Aroon looks around in awe as Atid scroll through his phone.

Soon they are served with their pad thai. Atid takes his chopsticks and mix the noodles. He then picks the noodles with the chopsticks and bring it towards Aroon's mouth.

Atid: Try it.

Aroon takes a bite and his eyes goes wide in surprise.

Aroon: Uuummmm. It's so tasty.

Atid: Then have it.

Aroon quickly picks his chopsticks and digs into the noodles. A smile appears on Atid's face as he watches Aroon enjoying the food. Atid finishes his food and looks at Aroon who is still eating.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Do you want anything else?

Aroon: No

Atid reads some mails on his phone as Aroon finishes his dinner.

Aroon: I am done. Let's go.

Atid pays the bill and they walk out of the restaurant. They get into the car and Atid sits there in silence, lost in some thoughts.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Is something bothering you? You look tensed.

Atid: I... I wanted to ask you something.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Tomorrow is weekend. I was thinking if you don't have anything urgent to do, can we spend the weekend in my condo.

Aroon looks at Atid surprised by his request.

Aroon: I...I have a meeting to attend tomorrow morning

Atid: It's okay then. May be some other time.

Aroon: But I can attend that via zoom. So..

Atid looks at him with a huge smile.

Atid: Then, let's go now.

Aroon: Now?

Atid: Yeah. Its already past 12 am. So weekend has started.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Please na

Aroon: But my clothes.

Atid: You can wear mine. I will send you back home Sunday evening. Then you can go to office in your clothes.

Aroon looks at the excited face of Atid and a smile appears on his face.

Aroon: Hmm. Okay

Atid: Yayy

Atid quickly starts the car and drives towards his condo.

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