Chapter 14

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Aroon wakes up as sunlight graze his face. He slowly opens his eyes and looks beside him. Atid was sleeping peacefully hugging him. He stares at him for a few seconds unable to believe that they are married and this man belongs to him. Few weeks back if someone told him that he and Atid would be friends, he would have kicked their ass. But now, he is married to Atid and they are living together. Life is really unpredictable, you never know what might happen.

Aroon gently tries to remove Atid's arm from his waist but the hold tightens. He looks at Atid's face and was surprised to see him looking at him.

Aroon: Hey

Atid: Hey. Where are you going so early? Did you forget that we don't have office for next 2 weeks?

Aroon: No. I was just going to use the restroom.

Atid: Come back soon.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon gets up from the bed and goes to the washroom. He comes back and lies on the bed. Atid pulls him back into his arms and hugs him tight. They go back to sleep just like that. The next time Aroon's eyes open, it's already noon. He looks beside him and the bed is empty. He slowly gets up and walks into the living room but he is not there. He looks around the house but Atid is nowhere to be found. Suddenly he hears the front door being opened and Atid enters the house with a packet.

Aroon: Hey, where did you go?

Atid: To buy lunch.

Aroon: Why didn't you wake me?

Atid: You were sleeping so peacefully. So I thought of not disturbing you. Go and freshen up while I set the table.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon goes to freshen up while Atid sets the table for lunch. Aroon comes back to the dining room and they have their lunch quietly saying a word or two in between. After lunch, Aroon clean the dishes and goes to the living room where Atid was waiting for him.

Atid: What do you want to do? Do you want to go somewhere?

Aroon: Na. I would like to spend the day lazing around.

Atid: Okay. Let's watch some movies.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid picks a movie and put it on while Aroon gets some snacks and drinks for them. They settle down on the couch next to each other and starts watching the movie. They spend rest of the day having a movie marathon.

It's been two days since they got married and they were having a great time knowing each other and their likes and dislikes. Today Atid's mom called him asking if they were going somewhere outside for honeymoon. He told her he will speak to Aroon and decide on that. So now they were sitting in the living room watching TV and Atid decided It's the best time to talk to him.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Mom called to ask if we have decided to go somewhere for honeymoon.

Aroon chokes on his spit on hearing the word honeymoon. Atid quickly gets him a glass of water.

Atid: Hey,I am sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I meant just going out somewhere as friends.

Aroon: No, it's okay. I just.. I would like to go out with you.

Atid: Hmm. How about Phuket?

Aroon: I like that. It's not too far and we can enjoy few days of sea and breeze.

Atid: Great. Let me check the hotels and places to visit.

Aroon: Okay

Atid goes through his laptop and decides to stay at Anantara Layan Palm Resort. The reviews were good and the place looked awesome with all the modern facilities. Atid called and informed his and Aroon's parents about their trip. They spend the next two days shopping and packing for their trip to Phuket.

Finally, it was the day when they are leaving for Phuket. Their families had already come to meet them the day before to wish them a safe journey and a happy honeymoon. Atid's driver dropped them at the airport and they checked in their luggage and got their boarding pass. Soon it was time for them to board the plane.

Inside the plane:

Atid and Aroon takes their seat in the business class and sits comfortably next to each other. They turn off their phones to airplane mode and put on their seatbelts as instructed by the crew. Soon the flight takes off and Aroon looks  outside fascinated by the view. Even though he has been a frequent flier due to his job requirements, the ariel view when they are up in the sky always fascinated him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear Atid calling him.

Atid: Aroon...Aroon...ÀROON

Aroon looks at Atid in shock on hearing him shout his name.

Aroon: I am sorry. I didn't hear you. Did you say something?

Atid: Yes. I was saying she is asking if you need anything to drink.

Aroon looks at the stewardess who was standing next to their aisle.

Stewardess: Sir, would you like to have some orange juice or any other hot drinks?

Aroon noticed that even though she was asking him the question, her eyes were stuck on Atid. Aroon unknowingly got into his possessive mode. He quickly linked his arm with Atid and looked at the stewardess who was still looking at Atid.

Atid was shocked when he felt Aroon linking arms with him. He looked at Atid in concern but was confused to see him looking at the stewardess with an uneasy expression. He looks at her and was shocked to see her staring at him with a smile. He now understood the reason for Aroon's uneasiness. He quickly tightened his hold on Aroon's arm and looks at the stewardess with a stern expression.

Atid: I don't think my husband want to be disturbed right now.

Stewardess: Huh

Atid: I said my husband does not want to be disturbed right now.

The stewardess looks at Aroon and their linked arms in shock. She apologizes and moves away from there flustered. Atid looks at Aroon concerned.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Are you okay?

Aroon nods his head. Atid pulls his arm away from Aroon's hold and then puts his arm around Aroon's shoulder. He pulls him closer so that his head is resting on his chest.

Atid: Close your eyes and get some rest. I will call you when the food is served.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon closes his eyes and snuggles in closer to Atid as Atid's hold tightens around him. He felt safe and secure in Atid's arms and soon he slept like a baby.

Atid looks at Aroon who was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

Atid(in mind): I will never let anyone hurt you Aroon. You are too precious to me.

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