Chapter 18

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It's their 3rd day in Phuket and Atid decided to take Aroon on a jet ski tour to 7 islands. He came across this offer on internet and found it interesting. He contacted the tour guide and booked the package as surprise for Aroon.

Aroon was checking something on the phone when Atid came into the room.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Get ready, we are going somewhere special.

Aroon: Where?

Atid: It's a surprise

Aroon: But

Atid: Just trust me. Go and get dressed.

Aroon goes to the washroom and changes into shorts and tshirt.

Aroon: Is this okay?

Atid: Hmm. You look cute.

Aroon looks away blushing and Atid starts laughing on seeing Aroon's cute side.

Atid: Let's go.

Aroon: Hmm

They take a cab from their hotel to location mentioned by the tour operator. A driver picks them up from there and takes them to the place where the jet skis are located. Aroon gets excited seeing the jet skis.

Aroon: Atid, are we going jet skiing.

Atid: Hmm. Are you excited?

Aroon: Of course.

Atid: Do you want to join me on my jet ski or you want one of your own?

Aroon: I will join you.

Aroon and Atid wears all the safety gear and hops on the jet ski. Atid looks at Aroon and says

Atid: Hold me tight.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon wraps his hand around Atid's waist and gets ready for the fun to start.
A tour guide approaches them and informs them that he will be behind them and assuring their safety as well as guiding them to the different islands. Atid starts the jet ski and the fun begins. Initially Atid went on a moderate speed but with time, he increased the speed of the jetski. As the speed increased, Atid felt Aroon's hold on him tightening and his whole body was plastered to Atid's body.

Aroon: Atid, please slow down.

But Atid increased the speed a little more and Aroon clung onto him for dear life. Soon it was time for them to stop at an island and explore the place. As Atid stops the jet ski at the island, Aroon hops down and stands before Atid with an angry expression.

Atid: What happened? Why are you looking at me like that?

Aroon: Why did you increase the speed when I asked you to slow down?

Atid: I didn't hear you.

Aroon: Liar

Atid looks at Aroon with a smirk on his face and brings his mouth close to Aroon's ear and whispers

Atid: You are right. I am a liar. I loved the way you clung to me when I increased the speed.

Aroon looks at Atid in shock as he hops off the jet ski and walks into the water.
Soon he recover from the shock and joins Atid in the water. They spend some time swimming and playing in the ocean. Aroon was playing in the ocean and enjoying the view of the beautiful island when he felt Atid's hand wrap around his torso, pulling him towards him.

Aroon: Atiiiid

Atid closed the remaining gap between their bodies and placed his chin on Aroon's shoulder. He tilted his head slightly and his hot breath fell on Aroon's neck sending a shiver through his body. As he felt Aroon's body shudder in his hold, he whispered in his ears once again.

Atid: Do you have any idea how sexy you look with your wet hair, glossy lips and those dreamy eyes?

Aroon eyes widen in shock after hearing Atid's description of his looks.

Atid: I wish I  could just whisk you away from all these prying eyes.

Aroon turns around and looks at Atid who was looking at him with an expression that he had never seen before.

Aroon: Atid...

Before Aroon could say anything their tour guide calls their names, breaking the trance they were. Atid quickly let go off Aroon and they both hop onto the jet ski avoiding any eye contact. Atid started the jet ski and follows the guide to the next location.

Atid(in mind): SHIT.SHIT...SHIT. Did I just call Aroon sexy? Well, he did look so tempting that I wanted to.... Shut up Atid. You promised him you are going to be friends. You shouldn't be thinking about your friend like that. But he is my husband. I can.... I...Why is this so confusing?

Meanwhile Aroon was also lost in his thoughts.

Aroon(in mind): Did Atid just call me sexy? He was so close that we almost...No...No..No... You cannot fall for him Aroon. He considers you as a friend. Falling for him will only bring you pain. But he said I am sexy. He is my husband. What if his feelings have changed? No, this is not right. He clearly said I am not his type. I cannot fall for him and have a heart break.

Rest of the day was a blur as both of them were lost in the battle between their heart and brain.

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