Chapter 8

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Aroon wakes up to his alarm ringing. He tries to move his hand to turn off the alarm but something was pinning his hands down. He opened his eyes to find Atid's face so close to him that their noses were almost touching. A smile appears on his face as he watches Atid sleeping with his mouth slightly open.

Aroon(in mind): He sleeps like a child

His thoughts were interrupted by his alarm ringing once again. Aroon tries to remove Atid's arm gently but he tightens the hold around him. Atid groans and talks with his eyes closed.

Atid: Where are you going so early in the morning?

Aroon: I need to use the restroom.

Atid removes his hand and hugs the pillow as Aroon gets up from the bed. He turns off the alarm and goes to the washroom to freshen. As he comes out of the washroom, he finds Atid still sleeping hugging the pillow. Aroon decides to make breakfast for both of them as he knew he will not be able to sleep now.

Aroon is busy cooking congee when Atid walks out of his room with his disheveled hair and sleepy eyes.

Aroon: Good morning.

Atid: Good morning.

Aroon: Why don't you go and wash up while I set the table for breakfast.

Atid: You made breakfast?

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Did you go grocery shopping?

Aroon: Hmm. There was not much I could cook with. So I went out to get some things I need.

Atid: You should have woken me. I would have gone with you.

Aroon: You were sleeping so peacefully. I already disturbed your sleep last night. I didn't want to do it again.

Atid: You didn't do anything like that. Actually I had one of the best sleeps yesterday night. You are so warm and cuddly like a soft toy.

Atid  goes of to clean up after saying that while Aroon stands there blushing.

Aroon: Why is this guy so shameless? He just blurts out everything.

A smile appears on his face as he thinks about Atid.

Atid freshen up and joins Aroon on the dining table for breakfast.

Atid: Wow! You made congee.

Aroon: Do you like it? Should I make something else for you?

Atid: No, I like congee.

Atid starts to eat after saying that.

Atid: It is delicious. Where did you learn to make such delicious food?

Aroon: I learned it from my grandma when I stayed with her during my vacations. When I was leaving in the dorm, she taught me a few recipes that I can cook without much hassle.

Atid: Hmm. So now I can have homemade food once I get married.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Just kidding. You don't have to cook for me. We can live on takeaways.

Aroon: No. I will cook but you will wash the dishes.

Atid: Okay

Aroon: So that's the 3rd rule. We will share the house work equally. I will cook while you do the dishes.  One of us will wash the clothes while the other one will sweep and mop the floor. We will go grocery shopping and pay utility bill alternatively. Do you agree?

Atid: Yes Sir.

Aroon and Atid continue eating their breakfast while talking about random things. After breakfast, Atid wash the dishes while Aroon goes off to attend his meeting. The meeting lasts an hour. After the meeting they decide to go to the Sealife Bangkok Oceanworld.

At the ocean world:

Atid  watches Aroon with a smile as he excitingly talks about the various fishes in the aquarium

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Atid  watches Aroon with a smile as he excitingly talks about the various fishes in the aquarium. He brings his face near the glass and makes cute faces as the fishes come near the glass. He was excited like a small child who got It's favorite toy.

Aroon suddenly realizes that he has been talking nonstop while Atid did not utter a single word. He turns around and looks at Atid who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Why aren't you saying anything?

Atid: Because it is more interesting to listen to you than talking.

Aroon blushes. Atid walks towards him and stands close to him. He brings his mouth close to his ears and whispers

Atid: You look so cute that it is difficult to take my eyes off you.

Aroon jerks his head in shock and their lips graze each other. Aroon takes a step back in shock as Atid looks equally surprised by the kiss. They both look away from each other blushing.

Atid: I...I think we need to eat something.

Aroon: Yeah

Atid quickly walks out of the aquarium followed by an equally flustered Aroon. They have their lunch in silence as the accidental kiss was still going through their mind.

Atid(in mind):  His lips are so soft.

Atid's vision ends up on Aroon's lips as he thinks about the kiss. He quickly looks away as he feels Aroon eyes on him.

Aroon(in mind): Did he just stare at my lips?

Atid(in mind): Shit. Did he see me looking at his lips?

Atid looks at Aroon and he was still looking at him.

Atid(in mind): What if I did? I am going to marry him and he is going to be my husband. I can stare at him as much as I want.

Atid just looks at Aroon without saying a single word.

Aroon(in mind): Why is he staring at me like this? I am feeling so shy.

Aroon looks down blushing.

Soon they finish their lunch and heads back home.  Atid decides to watch a movie to reduce the awkwardness between them. They spend the rest of the day watching their favorite movie. They order pizza for dinner and continue watching the movie until they feel sleepy.

Aroon was the first one to fall asleep while watching the movie. Atid pauses the movie and looks at Aroon who sleeping peacefully. He quickly turns off the movie and the lights. He then gently calls Aroon.

Atid: Aroon...Aroon

Aroon:  Mom, let me sleep for 5 more minutes.

Atid: Aroon, wake up. Let's go and sleep on the bed.

Aroon half opens his eyes and looks at Atid. Atid helps him get up and they walked into the bedroom swaying. Atid helps Aroon lie on the bed. He then goes and lies down on his side of the bed and turns off the light. There was complete darkness in the room.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Can you hug me?

Atid does not say anything and just pulls him into his arms. He places his head on his one arm while the other wraps around Aroon's waist. Aroon snuggles closer and his head is now in the crook of his neck. Atid could feel his warm breath on his neck. Atid places a small kiss on his head and they drift into deep slumber.

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