Chapter 14 - Staff Meeting

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All of the U.A. students of Class 1-A were all sat in the U.A. medbay. Each student was reminiscing over the events that had just occurred, and discussing those events with the other students. Each student was teleported to a random location in the USJ and were forced to fight the numerous villains that they encountered. Some students had more trouble than others since some of the villains had perfect quirks to counteract them (strangely some villains had quirks that were useless against the students), but they all ultimately defeated the villains and returned to the entrance in time for the big finale. After the villains retreated, they were all ushered into Recovery Girl's medbay and told to remain there whilst Recovery Girl checked up on them, after which they began to mingle. As luck would have it most of the students were effectively unscathed, having sustained nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises. The only students who sustained any real damage were Kirishima (who had sustained first/second degree burns to the facial area, severe bruising on the arms and torso and two broken ribs) and Bakugo (who had sustained four broken ribs, a minor concussion and three broken bones). Thanks to Recovery Girl, they would heal just fine but they would be unconscious for at least three days whilst they recovered.

As the students gossiped about the villains and their quirks, detective Naomasa entered the room. When he heard about the attack, he volunteered for the investigation and set out for U.A. right away. He intended to interview each student individually and gather as much information as possible regarding the attack. So he did, asking each student about the attack and their unique experience. 

Names of the students involved:

Yuga Aoyama. Quirk: Navel Laser

Mina Ashido. Quirk: Acid

Tsuyu Asui. Quirk: Frog

Tenya Ida. Quirk: Engine

Ochaco Ururaka. Quirk: Zero Gravity

Mashirao Ojiro. Quirk: Tail

Denki Kaminari. Quirk: Electrification

Eijiro Kirishima. Quirk: Hardening

Koji Koda. Quirk: Anivoice

Rikido Sato Quirk: Sugar Rush

Mezo Shoji. Quirk: Dupli-Arms

Kyoko Jiro. Quirk: Earphone Jack

Hanta Sero. Quirk: Tape

Fumikage Tokoyami. Quirk: Dark Shadow

Shoto Todoroki. Quirk: Half-Hot, Half-Cold

Toru Hagakure. Quirk: Invisibility

Katsuki Bakugo. Quirk: Explosion

Minoru Mineta. Quirk: Pop Off

Momo Yaoyorozu. Quirk: Creation

Names of the main villains:

Kirogiri. Quirk: Warp Gate

Shigiraki. Quirk: Decay

Nomu. Quirk: Shock Absorption, Super Speed, Super Strength, Hyper Regeneration

Villain 4. Quirk: Unknown

Something which become clear was the four main characters and their roles in the attack: the warp gate Kirogiri, the ringleader Shigaraki, the creature Nomu and an unnamed character which seemed to be less of a villain and more of an assistant. One witness claimed that he even helped them and seemed to shield them from the other villains. Once Bakugo and Kirishima awoke, they to would be questioned since it seemed like they were the only people who had any real experience with this fourth member. After all the students had been questioned, Naomasa thanked them for their time and went to the staff room to explain the situation to them.

All of the U.A. staff members were gathered around the board room table, nervously anticipating the extent of the damage caused by the attack on the USJ. They all knew it was bad. Very, very bad. How could it not be when a large, co-ordinated force of dangerous villains attacked a class of teenagers with no experience of real combat? Still, everyone hoped that they were overthinking it and that the situation wasn't as bad as they thought. Eventually, they broke out of their funk when Naomasa entered the room and they all crowded around him, desperate to hear how their students were doing. Once they had all calmed down, Naomasa explained the situation and laid all the facts on the table. Once they understand the extent of the damage they all relaxed slightly, now knowing it wasn't as bad as they thought. However, there were still problems to attend to.

"Thank you all for joining me here tonight," Naomasa began. "As you are all aware, approximately 4 hours ago a large group of villains initiated a coordinated attack on the USJ and its students. After listening to some reports, we know that their main target was All Might and that they intended to use that Nomu creature to kill him. The majority of villains were small fry with weak quirks and no significant criminal history. However it is clear that there was a hierarchy of power. The ringleader being the one known as Shiguraki, who can turn anything he touches with all the fingers one hand to dust, and his assistant Kirogiri, who can create portals between multiple locations. Then there was the Nomu who we recently managed to apprehend just on the borders of the city, but is remaining uncooperative for the time being. Finally we have the fourth member known as Deku, who I would like to draw attention to." Naomasa paused, pulling some notes from his jacket. "The only students who any significant interaction with Deku were Katsuki Bakugo and Eijiro Kirishima who are currently unconscious, and will remain so for the next three days or so. We do not know what quirk he possesses at the moment. Our best quirk is a speed enhancement quirk, but that's based off of too insignificant data to be of any credibility."

All Might stood up. "This villain is extremely powerful. To have defeated two of our top students he has to be. But why didn't he kill them? He had ample opportunity." "Yes, and who trained him? He would need a good teacher to be that strong," followed Principal Nezu. Naomasa cleared his throat. "I may be able to answer that Principal Nezu. As you know, for the last couple of years we have been threatened by the Hero Killer Stain. He is extremely skilled at defeating even the best of heroes, believing he is "purging" society of imperfect heroes. However around a year ago, we started to receive reports that he had an accomplice. A young man, who possessed incredible strength and speed. We believe this was Dekus first sigh ting and that he was being trained by the Hero Killer Stain. We do not know why he is now working for the League. We also do not know his origins. We have no record of him at all. The only thing we know is that he around the same age as the students in Class 1-A," Naomasa finished, leaving out his personal theory about Dekus origins.

The room went silent. "Such a shame to see someone with a bright life ahead of them turn to a future of death and darkness," Principal Nezu whispered. Naomasa gathered his notes. "That is everything we know as of now. If anything comes up, I'll let you know." He bowed to the teachers, then left. The teachers looked at each other, all of them still reeling from this new information and all silently wondering how someone so young could have become not only so strong but a force of evil as well.

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