Chapter 20B - Inko Midoriya

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Listen up people, I'm only gonna say this once. Even though I wrote this story...kinda, I'm not too good with time. Rather, I'm not too good at keeping track of it. So just be warned, the times in this chapter will likely be incorrect. If you want to write the proper timeline and put it into the comments, you are a lifesaver. On that note, try to enjoy this mess of a chapter.


Inko Midoriya was a mess. Roughly two years ago, her son Izuku had vanished. He was usually home within a half-hour of school ending, but he still wasn't home an hour after school. Understandably, she was distressed. She knew that people like him were looked down upon for not having a quirk and that if attacked by a villain, he would have no way to defend himself. Immediately she rang the police and explained the situation to the officer who picked up the phone. This officer was Naomasa and she had unknowingly just sent him on a mission that would last many years. However, since she wasn't a police officer, she was only updated on the investigation once every week. Not only that but since the investigation was slow-going, there were never many advancements. This meant that for two months, she was repeatedly told that they were working their hardest to find her son (however Naomasa was honest about the progression of the investigation on his part). Then, she was told that not only had the police department not found her son for the umpteenth time, but she was also told that they weren't even looking for him. Naomasa kept investigating off-the-record and kept visiting her with reports of possible leads, but she had given up all hope of her son's rediscovery. She spent all of her days moping around the house, crying into tubs of ice cream, and holding photos of her son. She was a mess. But then after two years, something happened. Something that forced her out of her mental rut and back to the present.

It was the early morning. The sun hadn't even risen above the horizon and Inko Midoriya was asleep in her bed. She wasn't dreaming of anything, just reveling in the black emptiness that surrounded her every moment which only appeared during sleep. She sat there, never wanting to awake when the phone on her bedside rang. And rang. And rang. Eventually, she forced herself to pick up the phone and listen to whoever was on the other end. It was Naomasa, and here's how the conversation went:

N: Hello, Inko Midoriya?

I: Yes, who... who is it?

N: Its Naomasa. I think... I think I've found your son.

I: *stunned silence*

N: Ms. Midoriya?

I: You... you f-found my son?

N: Yes ma'am. I've found-

I: *tearing up* You've found my Izuku.

N: I think so. I'll be stopping by in 8 hours at 9 AM to tell you what I've discovered. I'll see you then.

For the next eight hours, Inko tortured herself thinking about what Naomasa would tell her when he showed up. She distracted herself by cleaning the house, but she couldn't stop the thoughts from flowing. What if Midoriya was deformed, or transformed, or dead? What if he was disabled, or mentally scarred? Would it be the same Izuku she had raised all those years? When Naomasa showed up, she quickly ushered him inside, offered him a cup of tea, etc. She was very smiley and beamed joy, but the anxiety and fear were evident on her face. She couldn't stop talking about the previous months and how she had coped, forgetting Naomasa had been there to see all of this firsthand. Eventually, she calmed down and sat on the family sofa which sat opposite the chair Naomasa then sat in. This was it. The moment of truth. For all the marbles. "So, Mr. Naomasa," she began, "where is Izuku?"

"Well Ms. Midoriya, we... might have some trouble bringing him here. We'll probably have trouble bringing him anywhere for quite a while." "He isn't hurt, is he?" Inko asked, desperately hoping for good news. "Oh no ma'am, he isn't hurt. In fact, I'd say he is in peak condition." Inko exhaled, happy to have some good news. "Unfortunately, it seems that he, well... I'm sorry to tell you this ma'am, but..."

"He's become a villain."

Her smile dropped. "Wha... what?" Naomasa pulled out some files he had amassed over the previous two years. He began, "Your son Izuku Midoriya vanished approximately two years ago. No evidence came up for the next six months, and the trail ran cold. However, after six months, Stain was reported to have an accomplice. A young boy going by the name of Deku. He would assist Stain in his purging of heroes and displayed extreme strength, speed, and skill in his abilities. Most officers thought nothing of it, but I noticed that the area that Stain operated in was nearby to the site of your son's disappearance. I began investigating the possibility that your son had been converted into a hero killer by Stain. The trail ran cold. Try as I might, I just couldn't draw any evidence that Izuku was Deku. That was until 10 months ago, when the League staged an attack on the USJ. Unforeseen Simulation Joint." He added in response to her confused look.

"Roughly 10 months ago, the League of Villains, who had been inactive up to this point, staged an attack on a training center meant for students of U.A. High School. Multiple villains were present, however this was Deku's first appearance where he was seen by multiple people. He did not perform a large role in the attack, attacking only two students whilst he was their. One of them was Katsuki Bakugo, a boy Izuku grew up with, and based on his injuries, there was a lot of unleashed hate behind Deku's punches. Other students however claimed that he helped them, claiming that he doesn't kill for no reason. If Izuku is Deku, it stands to reason that this is because his moral backbone still exists, only doing something for a worthy purpose. Sadly, the trail ran cold once more. There were no sightings of him for a long period of time. Until yesterday, when the League of Villains staged an attack on a summer camp also meant for U.A. students. Deku was present again, solidifying as a definite member of the League. He did not partake in the capture or harm of any of the students. Instead, it seems he attacked a villain who was also present during the attack. Muscular is an A-Class villain and extremely dangerous, yet Deku was able to defeat him. He also saved a young child, also present, from Muscular. He even returned the child to his aunt who was working at the camp, making no attempt to harm any of the students. This is the extent of my experience with Deku, however I am certain from these events that Deku is your son Izuku."

The silence was deafening. Inko Midoriya sat on her sofa, too stunned to speak, to shocked to understand. Her son, her Izuku, a murderer? A killer of the heroes he once looked up to? He couldn't be. He adored heroes. But she picked up on of the photos on the table and looked at it and saw it for what it was. The photo was taken from a camera in a shipping facility at the docks, and it displayed numerous people in the room. One was covered in a weird, purple gas, another was a giant and carried a massive bar with them. In the middle stood a figure, shorter than the rest but equally as dangerous. Even through the photo she felt a sense of dread. The camera had terrible resolution, so not much could be made out, but the striking green hair was a dead giveaway. That was her child, Izuku Midoriya, turned villain, Deku. She slowly saw the picture for what it was, she saw the truth that stared in her face, but she didn't cry. Oddly, she felt happy. Her son was alive. He was a villain, true, but she knew that he was still her son. Somewhere in there lived the boy she had raised. And she would work to bring him back to the surface.

Inko Midoriya put the picture in her pocket and wiped her eyes with a tissue. She looked up at the inspector, a look of grim determination on her face, and said, "How can I help?"

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