Chapter 28 - Heroes VS Villains Pt.2

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Bakugo and Ururaka dashed into the building at a breakneck pace, ready for anything Deku might throw at them. Meanwhile, the rest of Class 1-A observed them from the observation room.

"Hey, is it fair for us to be facing him 2 on 1?" Kirishima asked All Might. "I mean it's not very honorable."

"Yeah, and he's quirkless," Kaminari added. "This doesn't seem right."

"Are you forgetting the time he paralyzed you all just by looking at you?" All Might responded, "or the time he kicked a boulder through the USJ's ceiling? Deku is more than capable of handling 2 people at once. Besides, when dealing with a dangerous villain, there are very few things which would be seen as dishonorable."

Deku was observing the movements of his opponents via his Extrasensory State, watching them both as they entered the building. Bakugo immediately started dashing through the building, running through the hallways and glancing into the small rooms before moving on. It was very efficient, gathering sufficient information on the situation whilst saving time. Ururaka on the other hand was taking her time, running through the halls at a slower pace and taking more time to observe the rooms she passed by. She was sacrificing speed for assurance. Both strategies were good at different aspects of their scenario; the muscles of the team would look only for the criminals, aiming to take down the larger threat whilst the smarts of the team would take more care, looking for any small details which could be useful in the long run.

When Bakugo made it onto the third floor, Deku deactivated Extrasensory, focusing on his immediate threat. He started patrolling his floor, gaining a good understanding of his surroundings. When Bakugo made it to the fourth floor, Deku's floor, he was met with his old punching bag awaiting him at the end of the corridor.

"There you are!", he yelled, malice in his eyes. "I'm gonna beat you to a pulp!"

"It amazes me how the other students can see you as a friend," Deku said, walking around the corner of the hallway, "what with you being a piece of scum and all."

"What did you SAY?!" Bakugo yelled, propelling himself down the corridor. He reached the corridor, turned, and was immediately met with an uppercut from his opponent. Deku had crouched down after turning the corner, correctly reasoning that being a foot off the ground left a blind spot immediately below you. Unfortunately, Bakugo wasn't out yet. He backflipped and landed on all fours, before immediately launching at Deku, hitting him in the gut at point-blank range. Deku was forced back, but remained on his feet, his face neutral. He couldn't let them know had much damage they had done to him. Activating his Extrasensory State for a split second, he felt Ururaka halfway through the third floor. No doubt the explosions had tipped her off to their location. But at that pace...

Deku deactivated Extrasensory, smiling. "What are you smiling at?" Bakugo yelled, rage burning in his chest. 

"Oh nothing," Deku replied, activating his Whirlwind State, "just how much better I am than you." With that, he turned and dashed down the corridor, closely followed by, "The FUCK you say to me?" and explosions hot on his tail. He quickly made it to the end of the corridor, turning and dashing down the connected corridor.

"You can't run forever, Deku!" Bakugo yelled, close behind him. Deku ignored him, once more making it to the end of the corridor and bouncing off it down the next corridor. At the end of the hallway, he could see Ururaka entering their floor, oblivious to their scenario.

"ROUND FACE, GRAB HIM!" Bakugo yelled at her. She turned toward them, but she was in no situation to help. She braced as Deku reached her, waiting for him to attack. Deku instead swept her legs from under her and slammed her into the wall, before catching her on the rebound and, holding her right arm behind her back, turned to Bakugo, his teammate now a hostage.

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