Chapter 31 - Reunion

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Deku was waiting in the U.A. dorm living room, waiting for his mother. He had sent her an email explaining where he would be, how to get there etc, and was waiting for her to arrive. As he waited, Aizawa came down from his room, still wrapped in his iconic sleeping bag and looking like the wrong end of a beaver.

"Morning Aizawa," Deku said, to which he was met with a disgruntled moan. "Looks like someone slept on the wrong side of the sleeping bag," Deku joked, aiming to make some light conversation.

"Shut up," Aizawa responded, his words slurred with sleep. "I haven't had my morning coffee, of course I feel like shit."

"Aaah, I see," Deku responded as Aizawa put the kettle on. He had never understood the appeal of coffee; he saw it as just foul, bitter bean juice. But to each their own.

"Also," Aizawa continued, adding the coffee granules to his cup, "isn't your mother visiting today?"

"That's right," Deku confirmed. "It's her first visit to U.A. so I'm hoping everything goes smoothly."

"Well then," Aizawa drawled, adding the hot water, "good luck and good night." And with that, he began trudging back up the stairs, coffee in hand.


Inko Midoriya arrived about 5 minutes later, eyes wide in equal parts curiosity and amazement. Then she spotted Izuku and her eyes widened even further.

"IZUKUUU!", she cried, barreling towards her son at full pelt before wrapping him in a warm embrace. Izuku returned the hug immediately, his cold exterior melting away instantly.

"Hi Mom," Izuku replied, his eyes watering at the edges. "How have you been?"

"I'm fine, but this isn't about me. How are you? How is U.A? How are your students?" Inko rattled off questions as she sat down at a nearby table, pausing occasionally only to breathe.

"Mom, mom..." Izuku said, trying to get his mom's attention, but nothing was getting through. Eventually he decided to just let her wear herself out and go from there. Inko eventually stopped chattering, her face red from overexertion. "To answer your question, Mom," Izuku began, "U.A. is amazing. Everyone is really kind, if a little hesitant to get to know me. That's to be expected though, so I don't mind it."

"And the League?" Inko asked, her eyes temporarily filling with fear. "They haven't come after you, have they?"

"No, no one has come after me since my arrest," Izuku reassured her. "The closest thing was when I went up against Bakugo, but I wouldn't consider that dangerous-"

"Is Bakugo still bullying you?" Inko interrupted, surprising Izuku with her interruption.

"Hmm, he's still an ass but he's a lot more manageable than before, so not really." Izuku tried to reassure his mother that everything was fine, but she wasn't having any of it.

"Don't let him boss you around, all right?" Inko asked Izuku. "Don't let him treat you like before."

"Before? What-" Izuku asked, confused, before realizing she had learnt about his past with Bakugo. He hadn't told her about how Bakugo used to bully him, so she had probably learnt about it from the police or his old school.

He smiled, his eyes hiding the fire she had started in his mind. "Don't worry Mom. If Bakugo tries anything, I'll stop him. Easy as that." Inko hesitated, sensing something inside her Izuku which he wasn't showing her. But she didn't pry. "Anyway," he continued, shifting his mind back to their time together, "how's life outside U.A?"

They spent hours talking about what had happened over the past couple of years. Izuku showed her around the U.A. campus and told her all about his experience there. He admitted it was strange but refreshing in a way. He introduced her to several of the teachers at U.A. including All Might, Aizawa and Present Mic who were all happy to meet her (except Aizawa, although you never could tell with him). The time flew by and eventually, the day was up. Izuku escorted his mom to the front gates and saw her off, smiling at her and waving until she was out of sight. Any passers-by might have confused him with a regular schoolboy for that brief moment, saying goodbye to his visiting mother. 

But that moment was soon gone, and Izuku disappeared with it, for now at least.

"Huh, that was fun," Deku said to himself, stretching for a moment. "I'm glad she's doing well. Now, I need to create a lesson plan for Class 1-A and 1-B. But first..."

"Principal?" Deku asked, knocking on Nezu's door.

"Come in Deku," the principal cried out, giving Deku permission to enter.

"Hello, Deku. A pleasure to see you again so soon!" the principal said, shuffling slightly in his seat. "I understand your mother has just left the campus. Did she enjoy her visit?"

"Yes, she did," Deku said, a slight smile on his face.

"That's good to hear," Nezu replied, nodding to himself. "However, I get the feeling you didn't come here to talk to me about that. What's on your mind?"

"I've come to ask something of you," Deku began. "It's a rather simple request."

"Mmm, yes, what is it?" the principal inquired.

"A mobile phone," Deku answered. "I would like a mobile phone."

"Why?" the principal asked, curious as to Deku's intentions.

"Nothing nefarious, I assure you," Deku said, stretching his arms out. "I'd just like to check on the news and talk with my mom a little more often."

"Well if that's the case, I can have one procured for you immediately," the principal said. "However, you must allow us to view your phone's activity at any point in time. Okay?"

"Sure, fine by me," Deku replied.

"Perfect!" the principal cried, jumping in his seat. As Deku turned to leave, he called out, "and Deku, have you thought about what I've said about you and Bakugo?"

Deku paused. "It'll take me some time," he admitted, "but I will come to terms with Bakugo and our past. I promise." And with that, he was gone.

Abilities acquired:

Bloodlust: increases violent thoughts, speed, and reflexes but decreases rationality whilst active.

Extrasensory: increases sensory sensitivity but reduces motor skills and physical ability while active.

Mania: suppresses all negative emotion and empathy while active.

Whirlwind: increases speed and reaction time but decreases upper body strength while active.


Psychotic Cyclone: massively increases speed, reflexes, and reaction time to godly levels, but massively reduces all other forms of strength while active.

Devil Incarnate: massively increases speed, strength and reaction time, but reverts the human to an animalistic state obsessed with killing whilst active. The person will also feel trapped and unable to move whilst visions of death appear before their eyes.

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