Neighborly Neighbor

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Chrissy, Lisa, and I splashed water on one another and enjoyed playing a game of horse on the pool-side basketball goal. Chrissy, an excellent shot, beat me and Lisa on two games of horse and Lisa beat us on one game of pig.

"Maybe we should have spelled out cat instead," I said with a chuckle, "I could have had a chance then."

"Ugh!" exclaimed, Chrissy, "You are so gross!"

"What is so gross about cats," asked Sarah, now sitting at the patio table, "I thought you enjoyed cats, Chrissy?"

"Did you put that story in the folder," Chrissy asked me, "you had to put that on in there?"

"It is the last story in the folder," I said as I turned to Sarah, "I wrote that story just for Chrissy."

At that time, I was covered with a deluge of water as both Chrissy and Lisa executed perfect cannonballs on either side of me. I ducked under the water before they had reemerged then grabbed their ankles and tugged on them once they broke the surface. I could hear their yelps and squeals of laughter under the water.

"What did I do to deserve that," I asked once I returned to the surface, "you two are the ones that should have gotten splashed for beating me at basketball."

"That's for poking my belly," said Chrissy after she splashed water at me, "and then saying you will see me tomorrow in front of my classmates. They talked about that for the rest of the day."

"Poked your belly," Sarah asked with a look of confusion on her face, "what are you talking about, and why are you walking around with your belly sticking out."

"Oh my gosh!" Chrissy wailed, "that came out so wrong. It wasn't like that at all."

She proceeded to tell Sarah about the alarm and how she hit me before I poked her tummy. Her fellow classmates wouldn't believe her when she told them we were neighbors and I invited her family over to swim in my pool.

"I guess I need to read about this cat," Sarah said as she opened the folder, "the famous arm-punching, belly-poking cat."

After Sarah began to read the last page of the story, they decided to get out of the pool and dry off. As I approached the patio table, I saw Sarah's hand lift to her mouth, her eyebrows raise, and a soft, "ewwwww" escape her lips.

"Did that really happen," she asked as I pulled out a chair for Chrissy, "I mean, did one of your crew-mates really eat a cat on the fire ground?"

"No, not at all," I said as I sat down, "It is a made-up story. I can make up a story pretty quickly. It comes in handy when a child or children's parents are involved in a situation. I entertain the kids with a made-up story."

"Make one up now," exclaimed Lisa, "I want to hear one!"

"Not right now, Lisa," said Sarah, "We need to get back home and get you into the bathtub for bed."

"I was in the pool, mom," said Lisa with a frown, "I'm all wrinkly already."

"I'm sure Lee keeps his pool very clean," said Chrissy, "but pool water is not bathwater."

"I'll tell you what," I said to Lisa as I walked them to their door, "I will tell you a story the next time I am home and you come over to swim. I am not on shift Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday. You ladies can come over any of those days too. Remember, you get to use my pool on the days I am at the firehouse."

I handed Sarah a key to the fence gate and waited for them to unlock the door.

"Thank you for inviting us and allowing access to your pool," Sarah replied, "but, Lisa and I will be gone this next week. We are going to visit family, up north."

Sarah went inside with Lisa. We could hear Lisa talking about how cool it was to be in the pool and how much she enjoyed the pie for dessert. Chrissy closed the door and rolled her eyes.

"You're not going," I jokingly asked Chrissy, "do you not like the north or the family up north?"

"I love visiting them," she said, then punched me in the arm, "I have classes for the rest of the summer."

"The invitation to use the pool while I am on shift is still open to you," I said with a smile, "please stay in the shallow end since no one will be here. I need for you to be safe."

"Okay," she said softly, "I will be safe."

"Thank you," I returned, just as softly, "goodnight Chrissy."

"Goodnight, Lee," she said as she reached for the door handle, "Um, Lee."

"Yeah," I said then turned to face her, "If I were to come over while you were home, um, could you make up a story and tell it to me while we sat next to the pool."

"It would be an honor," I said, "I look forward to it."

That night, I lay in bed with my hands folded behind my head and stared at the ceiling. I hadn't pulled the sheets over my body and was fully aware of the slightest breeze that fluttered across my nakedness. My doorstep conversation with Chrissy played through my mind over and over again. I told her that I needed her to be safe. I needed her. I needed. To need something, to me, is deeper than a casual want. However, when the need is fulfilled, the desire to want that need, even more, increases the sensuality of the relationship.

I was beginning to feel the need to have Chrissy in my life and I wanted to spend time with her and tell her stories. The desire to need and want someone had been absent from my life for a long time and it had resurfaced with a feeling of deep longing. I felt at peace with the renewed feelings and allowed the peacefulness to lull me to sleep.

"Hi, Lee," the text read, "It's me, your favorite neighbor. I am home from classes and planned on hanging out by your pool. Are you sure you are okay with that?"

"Of course, it is okay," I replied, "Have fun, and please be safe."

"I will be safe. Thank you for caring," she said, "I have a question though. But, I am a little embarrassed to ask. Well, a couple of questions."

"No need to be embarrassed," I typed back, "ask away."

"Can anyone see in your backyard," she asked, "I mean, can they see through the fence or over the fence?"

"Nope, not at all," I said, "I made sure of that when I had it built."

"Okay," she typed after a long pause, "How about cameras? Do you have any facing the pool?"

"No," I returned, "I don't have cameras up at my place at all. I am not tech-savvy and I have no idea if someone would hack into them when I sunbathe in the nude."

"Oh," was the reply.

"Sorry," I typed, "I shouldn't have put that."

"It's okay," she said, "Actually, that was why I was asking, I wanted to lay in the nude. Will that be okay?"

"Of course, it is," I said, "Know that you are safe and secure. Be sure to lock the gate after you go into the backyard so no one can get in. You will have all of the privacy you want and need. Your safety and peace of mind is my way of being a neighborly neighbor."

"Thank you, Lee," she replied, "I will be safe."

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