Life Changes

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"What's going on, Cap," I asked after we were alone, "Is Sarah okay?"

"She's fine, Lee," he said with a smile, "We've already talked to Chrissy, actually, she is still with Chrissy right now."

"Has something happened to Lisa," I asked, "Is she okay?"

"She is," he replied, "but she may not be for a little while."

"What happened," I asked, fearing the worst, "did she get hurt on her trampoline?"

"No, nothing like that at all," he said reassuringly, "we're not sure if she will be upset for a little while but we think she will be okay. You see, well, Sarah and I have been dating for about a year now and I asked her to marry me."

Once again, I felt my eyes widen, my face blush, and my mouth open.

"You dog," I yelled then gave him a big hug, "You sneaky, sly, dog. How long have you two been seeing one another and how did we not know?"

"You introduced us when you were planning on proposing to Chrissy," he replied, "we exchanged numbers and email addresses in order to keep one another updated on the progress of your proposal. I wanted to get to know her a little better, so, I asked her out to dinner so we could discuss the logistics of the day you were to propose. She accepted, we hit it off really well, and I asked her out again."

"Dude," I exclaimed, "You have made everything freaky now. I am really glad we don't work at the same firehouse any longer. People would say I got special treatment because you will be my father-in-law."

It was his turn to look at me with wide eyes, flushed face, and open mouth.

"I, uh, I," he stammered, "I didn't even think about that. I'm going to be your father-in-law."

"Yes, you are," I said with a big grin on my face, "Hey, dad. When can I get my allowance?"

I was happy for Cap and Sarah and it didn't surprise me that they got along so well. Something else that didn't surprise me was finding out that Cap and Sarah had visited Chrissy while she was at work and Cap had asked for Chrissy's blessing. He had always been a class act and a gentleman.

Chrissy called me before she left work and seemed happy and excited for them. She said she was going to go have dinner with her mom and Lisa so she could be a buffer between them after Sarah tells her about the marriage.

"I'm not sure what to expect," Chrissy said, "I hope Lisa will not react as she did when you proposed. She is a little older now and has matured quite a bit. However, she does have that same kind of spunk in her like Lisa the medic."

"It must be the name," I said laughing, "I'm sure she will be fine. Just remember to listen to her if she decides to voice any concerns. All of this is new to her."

"Yes, Sir," she said and then giggled, "Oh, that felt a little naughty and I didn't even mean it that way. I think you will need to spank me after I get home from work tomorrow."

"I may show up at your work and spank you there," I said, "take you in a storage closet, pull your scrubs down, redden your bottom, take you from behind, and pull your hair while doing it."

"Not at work, Lee," she said quickly, "I really don't want to lose my job. It sounds exciting to sneak and play, but, I don't want to lose my job."

"I'm teasing, honey," I said, "only a little though. Just a little."

"That's not fair," she whined, "You get me turned on and wet, and then I have to have dinner with my mom and little sister. I may need to play after I get back home just to release the tension. Too bad you have to work. You could watch."

"You're going to FaceTime so I can watch," I asked excitedly, "let me know what time and I will go find a private place so no one can see!"

"No," she said, "I meant it is too bad you are working and can't see. If you were at home, I would let you watch."

"Come on," I pleaded, "FaceTime me so I can watch. You already have me rock hard. I would have to do some quick adjusting to hide it if we were to get called out right now."

"See," she said smugly, "It would be much worse for you if you were to FaceTime me tonight. I couldn't imagine how hard you would be if you could see how wet my tight, pink, throbbing, little pussy will be while I rub my little vibe around my hard clit."

At that time, the alerting system sounded inside the firehouse announcing a vehicle accident with entrapment. As a member of the extrication team, I was part of the crew that cut open the vehicles in order to extricate the trapped patient. I jumped up, reached into my shorts and moved my hardness on the left side, and made sure my shirt covered the little head that was sticking out of the top of my shorts. She had made me hard and wet and I could hear her laughing as I raced to the truck. She heard the tones in the background and knew I was trying to cover myself.

"I love you," I said as I stopped at the truck, "You're bad and I love it. Talk to you soon."

The accident did not have the type of outcome we wanted. We were able to cut out the driver from the wreckage and send her to the hospital for treatment, however, the passenger was killed on impact. We smelled alcohol on the breath of the driver as we worked to cut her out and didn't realize a passenger was inside the car until we pulled her out.

They were sisters and decided to celebrate the passenger's acceptance to the graduate program at the local university. They had started drinking at noon and both were highly intoxicated before they got into the car. We learned later that they had bought a lot of booze from different liquor stores, went to a secluded section of a local park, and drank until they were blitzed.

The driver of the car was the older sister and had been a very successful small business owner. Her decision to celebrate in an unsafe and not very well thought out way took the life of her sister and her future as a successful business leader. She ended up losing her sister, business, and a prosperous future because of her decision to drive while intoxicated.

Fortunately, no one else was hurt in the accident. The driver lost control of the car, the tires went off of the shoulder of the road, and she overcorrected. She ended up driving the wrong way on a two-lane street and hit a semi in a head-on collision. Her sister, the passenger, the dead one, was not wearing a seatbelt and died upon impact. We waited until the scene was processed then cut her body out of the car and helped secure her into a body bag.

That night, while lying in my bunk at the firehouse, I thought about how fast and drastic life can change. I didn't dwell on the way that the driver of the fatality accident changed the life of her family, but I thought about the driver of the truck. After we had cut the driver out of the wreckage, we walked away from the scene so the police could conduct their investigation. I heard someone sobbing and turned to see the semi-truck driver talking to a police officer.

"I killed her," he sobbed, "didn't I? I killed her. I tried to stop when I saw them swerving. I tried to stop the truck, but I killed her."

He wasn't responsible for the girl's death, however, he felt the weight of her death in his life because he was a part of the reason she died. Both of the sisters decided to drink and drive and because of their decision, an innocent man will feel the pain of, what he perceives, causing a death of a young lady.

I wasn't allowed to think about the man for too long. The alarm sounded, dispatching the crews to a house fire. It was going to be a long night and I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep.

I sighed as we left the firehouse, thinking that my wife was home, probably naked, and playing. A smile spread across my face as I thought that she was my motivation to make it out of the fire safely. She wanted a spanking and what kind of husband would I be if I didn't give my wife what she wanted and needed?

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