Close Call

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Chrissy's graduation was a joyous, emotional, and fun occasion. She introduced me to her fellow graduates as her boyfriend and I smiled with great pleasure at the title. Lisa was a very proud little sister and expressed her pride by telling everyone her big sister was a doctor. Chrissy tried to curb Lisa's excitement and continual bragging by telling her that just about all of the graduates are doctors now. However, she continued to express her glee at her sister's accomplishments.

Sarah had a small party on their lanai that included friends and family members. I was introduced to the family and friends as Chrissy's boyfriend and received a few raised eyebrows when they found out I was a firefighter. A hint of recognition passed across some of their faces, but, I don't think anyone made the connection of the tragedy Chrissy and I shared.

"I am so proud of you," her aunt told Chrissy, "after all you have been through. Your dad would be so proud of you too."

"Thank you," Chrissy said, "you are too kind. Now I understand why you were his favorite sister."

"I am his only sister," she scoffed, "I had better have been his favorite."

Lisa had gathered the other kids her age and introduced them to her trampoline. The night was filled with bouncing, laughing, crying, and well wishes for the future. Chrissy announced she had accepted a position at a vet hospital in the adjacent town which would allow her to live at home. Chrissy didn't tell them her primary reason to stay with her mom and sister was that she helped her mom with finances. Sarah could make it on her own, but, Chrissy wanted her mom to be able to save for her and Lisa's future.

As the night ended and everyone left, Sarah took Lisa in for her shower and Chrissy walked me to the gate.

"Wait right here," I told her and went through the gate, then reemerged while holding a package, "I wanted to give you your gift before the night was over."

"Lee," she grumbled, "I told you not to get me anything. I meant it too. Why did you do this?"

"Because I wanted to," I said, "You never ask for anything, I haven't bought you anything other than dinner, and I think you will like it. It isn't anything romantic, but, I think you will like it."

She opened the package and released an audible gasp.

"Are you kidding me," she exclaimed, "A Littmann Cardiology IV? Are you freaking kidding me?"

She started crying, jumped into my arms, and kissed me all over my face at the same time. Sarah suddenly rushed around the corner, stopped, put her hand to her mouth, and apologized.

"Mom," Chrissy yelled, "Look. Look what Lee got me! Sorry, I got so excited I kind of attacked him."

After Chrissy explained the importance and quality of the stethoscope, Sarah teared up and then apologized.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered, "I am so emotional tonight. If I would have gotten a gift like that, I probably would have acted the same way. I heard you yell and I thought something was wrong. I'm going to finish cleaning up."

After she walked away, Chrissy turned to me, smiled, lifted up on her toes, and kissed me.

"Thank you, babe," she said, "you are too good to me."

"You're welcome, honey," I replied, "Please don't say things like that. You deserve so much and so much better. Thank you for being with me."

We embraced again and held each other for a long time. As much as I wanted to stand and hold her, kiss her, and let her know how much she means to me, I had to go to bed. I was on shift the next day and I still had to shower, shave, and sleep.

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