Tea for Two

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The thought of Chrissy laying naked next to my pool excited me. I felt a bit of sexual excitement, enough to adjust my swelling member inside of my shorts so others wouldn't notice. However, my excitement went beyond the thought of having a naked lady at my house. My excitement was deeper and more soothing than I had encountered in a very long time. The excitement was caused by the feeling of being a provider.

I provided Chrissy a place to relax in a way that she could not feel threatened, insecure, or judged. She would be safe from peeping eyes or visitors in his backyard. If she had any feelings of insecurity about her body, no one would see her and the thought of covering up would not be considered. The judgmental comments about being naked outside would never happen. I wasn't sure if Sarah knew Chrissy would be sunbathing naked at my pool, but, if she did, I was sure she would vocalize her disapproval.

Being able to provide something for someone I knew was very satisfying. It gave me a sense of belonging rather than a sense of duty. As a firefighter, I provide care and safety for a lot of people I don't know. Helping others can temporarily satisfy the perpetual itch to feel wanted or needed, but the itch comes back due to the fact the itch is being scratched by helping strangers. It is a surface scratch that could never reach the deep itch within.

Later that evening, I sent Chrissy a text.

"I hope you enjoyed your time next to the pool," I stated, "did you stay in the shallow end? How does chicken and veggies on the grill sound for dinner tomorrow? I promise no cat."

She replied a few seconds later.

"It was perfect," she replied, "Thank you for letting me go over. Yes, I did stay in the shallow end. As long as you promise no cat, I would love to come over. What time?"

"As soon as you get home from class and change into your bathing suit," I said, "we have a little bit of basketball to play. I have to try to win at least one game. You have a key, come in the yard whenever you are ready."

"I have a clinical from 8-12 tomorrow," she typed, "would 12:30 be too early to come over?"

"Not at all," I said, "I look forward to seeing you."

We said goodnight to one another and I went to my bunk. I try to go to bed early while at the firehouse so I can squeeze in as much sleep as possible. Many times, I would go to bed at 12 or 1 am only to be out on calls all night having to trudge through the next day with no sleep. I was very fortunate, that night, I went to bed at 9 pm, slept for a little more than 3 hours before getting a call for a building fire, got back to the firehouse at 4 am, and was able to sleep for 2 more hours.

"I can function on 5 hours of sleep," I thought as I put my gear in my locker the next morning, "I have to be awake and functioning if I plan on being a good host to Chrissy."

I was skimming the top of the pool water with a net when Chrissy entered through the fence gate.

"The gate was unlocked," she said after she placed a bag next to a reclining chair, "I thought I locked it back yesterday. I'm sorry that I forgot."

"You remembered to lock it," I said after hanging the net on hooks next to the pool, "I unlocked it for you. I invited you over and after thinking about it last night, I thought it would be rude to make you unlock the gate in order to get in."

Chrissy was wearing the same one-piece bathing suit she had worn the night she visited with her family. She had on a pair of mesh shorts over the bathing suit, flip-flops, and sunglasses. She had the same body shape and style as Cassy and I had to keep reminding myself to not stare or call her Cassy.

She was curvy, but not what people would consider a big beautiful woman. She was not thin either. Her breasts would be considered small by just about anyone, male or female, that looked at her breasts. Her dark eyes shone with a twinkle of mirth and yet held a veil of underlying sadness too. Shoulder-length brown hair swayed in the gentle breeze before she pulled it back and cinched it into a ponytail.

For some silly, boyish, and flirty reason, I screamed, "CANNONBALL," then jumped into the water causing a large wave to crash into her.

"You brat," she squealed as she stepped out of her shoes, dropped her shorts, and yelled, "CANNONBALL!" before jumping into the water next to me.

We laughed, splashed each other, and I found out that Chrissy was very ticklish. I poked her side or tummy whenever I had a chance. She would in turn punch my arm or push me to the side. The poking, punching, and pushing occurred when one or the other attempted to make a basketball shot.

"Thank you for coming over," I said as I stood on the side of the pool drying off, "feel free to relax on one of the floats if you like while I get the food on the grill."

Chrissy lazily paddled around the pool on a reclining float as she enjoyed the sun and water. She watched me go into and out of the house with armfuls of food, accessories, and spices. She tried not to stare or let me catch her staring, but I knew she was staring when she would suddenly turn her head when I looked her way. I don't move around like a dancer, nor am I light on my feet, neither am I a lumbering linebacker, plodding from one spot to the next. I walk with a purpose, a sense of assuredness, and confidence. I think she appreciated and liked the way I carried myself.

"I made two jugs of iced tea," I said after I had turned the chicken breasts, in order to create intersecting char marks, "would you like a glass of iced tea?"

"Yes, please," she said as she exited the pool, "I am surprised though."

"What surprises you," I asked, "that I actually know how to cook?"

"No, not that," she said as she stood next to me, wrapped in a towel, "You are a firefighter, I have heard firefighters can cook very well, plus you knocked it out of the park with the veal Parmesan. I am surprised that you are not drinking an alcoholic drink or have offered me one. I have also heard that firefighters enjoy drinking. a lot."

"That is a stereotype," I said after setting the plates on the table, "just like all firefighters have bodies that belong on a calendar. As you can tell, I don't belong on a calendar."

"Oh stop," she said as she began eating, "you look great."

"You look great too," I said as I watched her blush, "um, here is a stereotype that you may be able to relate to. I thought all vets were vegan."

"Ah, touché," she said as she pointed her fork at me, "If I were vegan, you would win me to the dark side grilling chicken like this. It is the most delicious cat I have ever eaten."

The comment made us both laugh so hard we had to spit our tea out onto the patio.

"I enjoy drinking iced tea," I said, "unsweetened iced tea. I have never had a drinking problem, nor did I have an alcoholic parent. I have always chosen my casual drink to be iced tea."

After dinner, we took our iced teas in hand and sat on a gliding bench that faced the sunset.

"I will be right back," I said, "I need to get something."

I returned with two hoodies, handing her one. They had my department and firehouse insignia silkscreened on them and were soft and comfortable.

"You got a little bit of a sunburn, I said, "This will keep you from getting chilled as we watch the sunset."

"Thank you," she said, "Oh, we are going to watch the sunset together?"

"We are," I smiled, "I owe you a story, remember?"

"Yes you do," she giggled, as she slid her knees under the shirt, "can I choose the topic?"

"Of course," I replied, "That way you will know it is a story, just for you."

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