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Warning: long chapter and smut
I woke up about half an hour ago, and I really can't get back to sleep, I check the time and it's 4am, I walk downstairs to get a drink and feel a really strong breeze, I go to close the door but I see Y/N sitting outside and crying?, I quickly rush to her "sweetheart, what's wrong?" I ask and she shows me her phone screen, my eyes go wide and I quickly say to everyone in my head 'guys, get outside now, we have a problem' and I take her into my arms.

I see the others quickly run out and Hobi reaches us first "sunshine, what's wrong?" He asks and she shows him her phone screen, causing him to gasp and quickly hug her "my sunshine, I'm so so sorry" he says and she just cries "what's happened?" Yoongi asks, I take Y/N from hobi and hold her close "her dad text her, saying someone has broken into her grandmas home and she is now in hospital" I say and they all go wide eyed, Jungkook runs to us and joins the hug, causing everyone else to join.

"We're so sorry princess" Namjoon says and she grips on to my shirt "let's get inside baby, it's to cold out here" Jin says as he picks her up, she clings on to him and cries in his neck, we see her legs and arms are starting to change colour "baby, how long have you been out here, your freezing" Jin says and she shrugs her shoulders, we walk her inside and sit in the living room "someone put the fire on so she can be warm" Jin says as he lays a blanket over the both of them.

Jungkook quickly lights the fire and the room starts to warm up "bunny, would you like a drink?" He asks Y/N and she shakes her head no, she just snuggles closer to Jin who strokes her back and starts kissing her forehead "it's okay baby, do you want to stay here or go bed?" Jin asks "stay with Jinnie" she mumbles "alright baby, we can stay together" he whispers in her ear, "why did this happen now?" Y/N says as she sobs and we all look at her in pitty.

"Gorgeous, your grandma is in the best place possible, she is going to be okay" jimin says "nobody listened to me when I said this would happen, I told them to put more security items around the house, like cameras and big locks on her doors" she says "kitten, maybe she thought she was safe" Yoongi says "but why would she, it an area known for break ins" she says with a cracked voice.

"I said she would be safer in a home" she adds "sweetheart, your grandma probably didn't want to be with other people, she didn't need support, she was able to look after herself" I say and she just agrees, we see her eyes getting droopy, Jin goes to move a bit and she holds on tight "don't leave me" Y/N says in a desperate way "hey baby, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere" he says, we all look at each other with shock, "Baby, let's head to bed, you can sleep with me" Jin says and she nods her head.

When I pick her up, she clings to me tight, I walk us to my bedroom and lay her on my bed, I quickly close my door and join her "I'm sorry" I hear her say "what for baby?" I asked shocked "for waking you up with my problems" she mumbles and I pull her close to me "baby, don't ever think that way, if you have a problem, you can come to any of us" I say and I give her a big kiss, which she responds to.

The kiss gets heated, but I feel her start to pull away from me, that's when I noticed she has fallen asleep, I start to chuckle "good night my love" I say as I rub her back. She snuggles into my chest and her arms wrap around me, she's so cute, I close my eyes and fall asleep with her by my side.

TIME SKIP: same day:
It is around lunch time and I see Y/N sitting in the kitchen on her phone and looking stressed "my beautiful girlfriend, what has you upset" I say dramatically and she giggles "I'm kind of stuck with what to do" she says and I look at her with a frown "are you on about your house again?" I ask and she nods her head "I want to live with you, but I can't find a good company to help sell my house" she says and I get excited "YAY YOUR MOVING IN WITH US" I shout and she laughs again.

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