Three is the magic number

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Warning: smut and strong language:
It's been a few weeks since Y/N had come back to our place, at first it was awkward, she wanted her space and we gave it to her, she wouldn't really talk to us first and it took a few days for her to smile and laugh with us again. Right now, Y/N and I are chilling in the living room, and I really want to kiss her, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Koo, are you okay?" She asks and I nod my head with a smile "yeh I'm okay bunny, just thinking" I reply, she stands up and sits next me, I wrap my arms round her and press my forehead towards hers, our eyes really close, making us both laugh, I wonder what my face looks like from her point of view, so I go in her head and see what she is looking at and I chuckle.

"Koo, are you okay?" She asks and I nod my head with a smile "yeh I'm okay bunny, just thinking" I reply, she stands up and sits next me, I wrap my arms round her and press my forehead towards hers, our eyes really close, making us both laugh, I w...

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"I love what your seeing baby" I say and she giggles "I'm looking at my most handsome boyfriend" she says, but then Jin comes in looking offended "EXCUSE ME, IM THE MOST HANDSOME BOYFRIEND" he shouts and she gives him a dead look "nah Koo is" she teases back and Jin gives her not amused look as he eats his food.

"You little shit" he says as he runs at her, she screams and quickly jumps up, running away "come back here Y/N, I need a word" he says "NEVER" she shouts, I can still here them running around the house, that's when Tae comes towards me, "why is J...

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"You little shit" he says as he runs at her, she screams and quickly jumps up, running away "come back here Y/N, I need a word" he says "NEVER" she shouts, I can still here them running around the house, that's when Tae comes towards me, "why is Jin chasing Y/N?" he asks whilst laughing "because she said I was the most handsome boyfriend" I reply and he chuckles "OH Y/N YOU BETTER RUN, IM COMING NOW" Tae shouts as he runs off.

"WHAT NO FAIR, KOO HELP ME" she shouts "your on your own now bunny" I reply "RIGHT I CHANGE MY MIND, JIN AND TAE, YOUR THE MOST HANDSOME BOYFRIENDS AND EXTREMELY SEXY" she says and I hear the running stop "HA FUCK YOU KOOK" Tae shouts, then I hear a bang and a groan "Sorry baby, BUT DONT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF HALLS" Jin shouts as they make their way back to me.

"It's okay you clumsy bitch" she says "like I said when we first met, fight me you little hoe" he replies and we all laugh. "Y/N I'm bored wanna have fun?" Tae asks "what no, I had Y/N first" I say in annoyance "then join us, we can have a three some" Tae says in front of Jin, "don't pull that face hyung, I know you don't like to do group sex, so you can have your time another day" Tae says and he just agrees.

"Well give me kisses first baby, then I can have you all to myself after" he says and they kiss for a bit "hyung stop, it's our time now" Tae says as he drags me and Y/N to his bedroom, he quickly locks the door and pushes Y/N on to the bed "right bunny, we have been told you like to take it slow, so we are going to make love to you in our own special way" I say and she nods her head.

"Do you trust us sweetheart?" Tae asks and she again nods her head, we quickly take off all her clothes, and then we take ours off. I lean down and take her lips in mine, because she is naked, it doesn't take long for us to get hard and when she sees our sizes, her eyes go huge "you good their bunny?" I ask and she says "I'm very good thank you" whilst looking away and we chuckle.

I lay her back down on the bed, and Tae kisses her hard, I start to roam my hands to her area, she starts moaning in the kiss and her hands grasp on to Tae's shoulders, we quickly switch around, so he's playing with her and I'm kissing her. As we're about to start, there was a knock at the door and we look at each other in confusion. I quickly put on my boxers and go to the door.

When I unlock it "hobi, what are you doing here?" I ask and he smirks as he pushes the door open and walks in "well I'm into group sex and I heard some beautiful sounds coming from this room, so I've decided to join you lot" he says as I lock the door "are you okay with that sunshine?" He asks her and she smiles "of course hobi" she replies and he quickly takes his clothes off and jumps to her.

"So what's the plan boys?" He asks us "well one of us takes her from behind, one from the front and now another one in her mouth" Tae says and we agree, when we look at Y/N, she is just looking at us with big eyes, making us chuckle "I think bunny is ready to take us" I say and she nods her head slowly, making us smirk.

We quickly sit her up "so who wants her mouth?" Tae asks and hobi raises his hand "good, so kook you from the front and me from the back?" He questions and I nod my head "sweetheart, your gonna have a different feeling today, so please don't worry okay and we will be extra cautious of your back" Tae says and she nods her head again, we quickly position ourselves.

"Wait, I'll go in first since going in the back is a bit more uncomfortable, then you go in kook, hobi just kiss her" Tae says and we all agree "ready sweetheart, I'm going in now" Tae says to Y/N, who looks quite nervous, as he pushes in, we see her eyes close tight and she scrunches her nose "go on bunny, your doing so well, just a little more" I tell her as I rub her cheek with my thumb.

"Tae hang in a second, let her adjust" Hobi says as we still see Y/N in discomfort, Tae rubs her back and hobi gives her a kiss "you can move Tae" Y/N says in a tiny whisper, he kisses her shoulder and rubs her hips as he continues to push in. When he's all in, he starts to slowly thrust, letting her get use to the feeling, then all of a sudden "aaah Tae" she moans "are you ready for me now bunny?" I ask and she nods her head.

I push myself in gently and wait for her to get adjusted, it doesn't take long and I start to slowly thrust "remember guys, Y/N likes to take it slow, so do not go out of control" I say and they nod their heads, hobi stands up and Y/N wraps her mouth around his member, making him groan, we start to pick up our speed, our moans and groans can be the only things heard from the room.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming" Hobi says as he spills into Y/N's mouth, she quickly swallows it and he makes out with her, I don't think Y/N realised, but she came twice, "you close Tae?" I ask and all he can do is nod his head "my back hurts" Y/N says in tiny "let's hurry this up then bunny, then we can rest okay" I say and she nods her head, we quickly speed up and I see tears going out of Y/N's eyes, and I mean properly streaming "Tae stop, I repeat stop now" I say, Y/N drops her head on to my shoulders and cries.

Tae stops and he quickly pulls out and so do I, Hobi quickly put his boxers on and ran to get Jin, as he is the best doctor of the underworld. We quickly get our boxers on as well, and put a top on Y/N, so she is covered and then Jin runs in with a panicked look "what happened?" he asks with a voice full of anger "we don't know, she was fine one minute, then all of a sudden she starts crying" I say in a panic.

He picks her up from me lap and holds her close, whispering something in her ear, her sobs get louder "it really hurts Jinnie, so so bad" she says and I feel my heart break "were so sorry bunny, we didn't mean to hurt you" I shakes her head no and says "it's not your fault, please don't worry" and Jin walks out with her, leaving us three with our thoughts "I didn't realise we went that hard, she said she was okay, what happened" Hobi asks and Tae's eyes widen "I pushed Y/N's hips forward, you don't think I did this do you?" he says as he starts tearing up.

Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy
Until next time

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