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Warning: strong language and strong topics:
Today we're going to have Blue speak to us, Y/N is not going to like this is as it will probably make him cry, but we can't have him cover this up anymore, if it's the reason he stays up most of the night crying, we're gonna try and stop it. We're all sat in the living room waiting for him to come down with Y/N and it's not long until we hear his footsteps.

When Blue sees us, he gives us a big smile "hi daddy's" he says and we all smile at him and wave, he sits down on the floor, but kook takes him in his lap and we have bought up the baby guards so he can't run out of the circle. Y/N looks nervous as she sits on the floor next to me. We moved everything away, so it's just an open area with the sofas and the baby guard.

"Why has the living room changed daddy's?" Blue asks and we all give him a nervous look and I see Y/N wiping her own tears and Blue looks scared and tries to leaves Jungkook's arms, but he holds him tight, Luna crawls over to Y/N and sits in her lap, giving her a cheeky grin. "I'm scared, daddy let go please" Blue says whilst crying and I see Kook wipe tears away "He isn't going to Blue, we need to talk to you" Namjoon says and Blue looks even more scared.

"I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING, I PROMISE I WILL BE A GOOD BOY" he screams and Y/N starts sniffling more. Jin walks over to Blue and crouches in front of him "Blue, you need to calm down now, no you haven't done anything wrong, but you need to listen to us now" Jin says in a calm voice and look.

"Please, I want mummy" Blue says whilst crying, Jin takes him out of kook arms and sits on the floor "you can't sit with mummy, your sitting with me now, you can sit with mummy later" Jin says and Blue start fighting in his grip "DON'T TOUCH ME, P...

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"Please, I want mummy" Blue says whilst crying, Jin takes him out of kook arms and sits on the floor "you can't sit with mummy, your sitting with me now, you can sit with mummy later" Jin says and Blue start fighting in his grip "DON'T TOUCH ME, PLEASE STOP" Blue then screams, and we're all battling tears "m..m..mummy make it stop" Blue says to Y/N, and she starts crying in her hands.

Jimin walks over and sits her in between his legs and holds her close "Blue, I'm giving you to the count of 3, if you don't stop, mummy is going to leave with Luna and then you won't be able to sit with mummy after" Namjoon says, but Blue doesn't listen "3...2...1" he counts down and Namjoon slowly walks towards Y/N and pulls her up gently "take Luna to Lisa's parents house, they haven't seen her in a while" he tells her and she nods her head.

When Blue sees that Y/N is leaving, all hell breaks loose and Blue starts thrashing around "MUMMY, DON'T LEAVE ME" he screams and this starts Luna off, she hates loud noises, this causes Y/N to quickly grab Luna's bag and we see them walk out the house and get in the car. We see them drive off and Blue is in hysterics "I want mummy" he says and Yoongi then walks over to namjoon and whispers in his ear and Namjoon agrees.

"Right Blue, until you have stopped crying, we're going to give you space and leave the room, we're going to give you 5 minutes to stop and then we will talk again" Yoongi says and we all stand up, leaving a crying Blue in the pen "I hate this" I say and the others agree, we hear Blue screaming for Y/N and I then see Jimin wipe his face "what the fuck is happening" he says and Namjoon pats his shoulder.

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