When you first met

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Owen Grady:
When you met was when your father doctor grant was asked for adivce on training raptured, but your father didn't believe you can tame wild animals not ment to be trained.
But you believed they can and you went for him, you were watching the eggs when own came in and said.
"Cute aren't they"?
You then said to him.
(You turn to him and said.)
You must be the raptor trainer, Owen Grady right"?
You held the hand and he said shacking it smiling.
"Yeah, and you"?
You then said.
"Y/n, y/n grant".
He was shocked and you smiled and just looked at the eggs.
You laugh rememebr the first time you see raptor eggs, it was aslo what inspired your fasination and favoritism for raptor's.
"The first time I seen raptor eggs was when i went with my dad, with this couple that tricked my dad to find there son, who if i remeber correctly was with his step father looking to see dinasour on isle sorana sight b.
(You looked to owen and said.)
at least im not runing from over protective valocirapter family.
I fell in love with the dinosaurs and understood why my parents like them.
Owen then said.
"Wait your that y/n grant, they y/n grant that calmed the raptors that chased you and you filmed it.
It's what started the theory of training raptor's".
You then said.
"I never knew that".
Owen then said pointign to the eggs which shock.
"Look, there hatching".
You then watched the girls hatch and a raptor with a blue streak looked at you and you cooed at her like a mother raptor would.
Owen just watched as you gentally pet her.
Owen then said.
"Wow, your good".
You then said.
"I studied".
You then said tp the four girls.
"Weclome to the world".
Owen then said and he gentaly pet them as you did.
"Charlie, Delta, echo.
(He then picked up blue before she fell over the stand.)
Wow easy their blue".
I smiled and i said hands underneath his incase she fell again.
"Blue, that's perfect".
Owen then said.
"Your favorite color right"?
I looked st him and smiled as blue was back with her sisters napping.
"I see you did your research".
He then said.
"I wanted to know the women im working with".
I then said.
"im glad im working with you to mister Grady".
He then said smiling.
"Please call me owen".

Blue (male blue human valocirapter):
He saved your life from the indominus rex and he was a dinosaur that shifted into a human when he went over to you, his sister didn't make it, and you knew that if the scientist that made the dinosuars for the park knew they turn blue into a lab rat.
You found cloths that fit, owen helped you make up a story saying blue was a kid he was looking after for a friend and blue was your boyfriend.

Male Clair :
When you met Clark it was on your first day and you were training the t-rex and clark came to check and saw you held the baby rex, which was asleep.
He started working with you the most.
Your opinion mattered to him the most, especially when it came to the idea of the indominus rex, which you said was a bad idea from the start, and he listened.

Zach mitchell:
You were on the island earlier for camp, you and the others ran into zach and grey and you guys got to the park.

Gray mitchell:
Same thing you ran into him with the other campers from camp Cretaceous and got of the island safe with bumpy your brother bens dinosaur since he couldn't leave her behind, you know you wouldn't either.
You couldn't leave blue, your uncle owens dinosaurs that survived the indominus attack.
Your uncle was both mad and amazed, but knew you couldn't leave her behind once Sammy told them why you had to, manticore would come to get her so once blue got to your house, you made sure blue understood she couldn't eat bumpy, you or your parents or any human so she was tamed.

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