The dinosaurs you train

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Owen Grady:
You train the Atrociraptors, their alittle bit bigger than the raptors Owen works with, but they are just as sweet.
Owen missed you terribly so he often comes to visit and watch you work.
He surprised and if it was even possible, more attracted to you when he saw you being the alpha of your raptors.

Human male blue valocirapter:
You actually work with Owen, so that was the reason Blue went to you once he turned human.

Male Claire:
You train the T-rex, after all you encountered her twice with your dad Allen Grant .
She was still dangourse but she recognised you the moment you walked in the incloser trusting her.
She didn't want to eat you the first time you were here, after all you were a child, 5 years old, she thought you were her Kid to be honest.
You did get your sticky hands on T-rex dna when in the lab and didn't wash it off.
When clark saw the T-rex nudge you with its big head and purr he was beyond surprised he had to ask Henry Woo what was going on.
Henry being their when you were drenched in T-rex Dna, so he figured the T-rex smelled it and thought you were her Kid.
Clark was surprised as he watched you pet the T-rex and rub her belly when she layed down.

Zach mitchell:
You were pretty young to be working at the park, but Claire made more than one exception for you.
You were talented, gifted, and pop-cutler savvy.
You were also the daughter of doctor Allan Grant, and you earned your doctrit ralry in life, since you lived with two professors, you were well schooled enough to be in colledge by the time you turned 14.

Gray mitchell:
Since the park was reopened thanks to the many fans and dinosaur lovers around the world, you were working with a new batch of raptors under the watchfull eye of your over protective mentor Owen Grady.
Thoufh he was really an admire of your father and you since you decided to follow in your dads footsteps.
Gray came to see you since now that he's 20 like you are, he thought he come see his amazing girlfriend.
He's surprised that he found you more atractive and hot qhen he saw you work with predators that treat you like their own.

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