Owen Grady x reader

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(Y/n's Intro)

I was six when I saw my first dinosaur, one that wasn't a skeleton burried under millions and millions of years of dirt and rocks.
The majesty, the grace of something that came before human beings now walking the earth once again, toke my breath away.
I'm so sorry where are my manners?, My name is Y/n Grant.
Daughter of Dr. Allen Grant, and Dr. M/n L/n.

(Y/n's pov)

They were a happy couple, and when I came along everything was perfect, for three years my parents taught me everything they could about the dinosaurs we dugged up.
Since my parents were doctors, my grades were that of a prodigy and I didn't have to go to school, I could just learn at home.
Which in the end, was probably best that I never got to go to school with other kids.
My mother got sick, and then she died.
All I had left was my dad and he needed me like I needed him.
He tried his best, to be a father and a mother.
But I was the one that ended up taking care of him, he often blamed himself that I grew up to fast.
Being a single dad wasn't easy, but he managed.
As i grew up, I brcame a rasing star in the feild of anthropology.
I inherited both of my parents smarts, and my mothers looks.
Only I got my father's Sandy brown hair and blue eyes.
Sometimes, I catch my father looking at his old wedding picture.
He often said that I was looking more like her everyday.
I was 4 when Ellie came into our lives, and began dating my father.
My father promised that she wasn't going to replace my mom.
I supported him, I was just happy to see that my daddy wasn't sad anymore.
Ellie promised that even though she wanst biologically my mother, she still love me like I was one of her own.
And I love her like my mother, even when they broke up.
Then on the year of my sixth birthday, john Hammond came to my father and future step mom for their approval on the park.
I then came running in the trailer, covered in dust like they were .
When john saw me, holding the brushes I used to paint the painting of a valociraptor that hanged in the trailer.
He asked me if i was the artist.

(Flash Back)

I came in, shacking my hair.
Talking to my dad and Ellie not knowing we had a guest.
"Dad, mom did you see the that helicopter?
I think I'll add it to my next,
(I saw John Hammond, all clean looking at my art work and the one on the esile on the other side of the trailer.)
John smield and said slowly stepping forward.
"So your you the artist"?
My dad guestered me to come forward to his side and he said, hands on my shoulders.
"Y/n honey this is Mister john hammond, the man thats been founding mine and Ellies dig sights".
I put my brushes in my pocket and held my hand out, smiling polity as I spoke.
"It's nice to meet you mister Hammond".
He shock my hand gentaly as he spoke.
"Please Y/n, call me John.
(He guestered to my paintings and said.)
So you like rapoters"?
I nodded and I said looking at my dad.
"I am my father's daughter".
John then asked.
"Would you wish to see dinosaurs"?
I nodded and said.
"It be a dream come true".

(End of Flash Back)

That moment started the most important journey of my life that lead me to this moment.
Standing on the same island, many years later, in a new park.
Standing on the rail crossing, looking down at the paddock, watching the four most important dinosaurs of my life, sleeping like little angels.
It be hard to believe they were natrual born killers.

Even after my first experience at the park, I couldn't fear them.
I still wanted to learn from them.
Now, I work at training the worlds most ewadlist pack hunters, along side the most charming man in my entire life.
But don't tell him I said that, he drove me crazy enough as it is.
I don't know what it is, one mintue he's smart when training blue, Delta, Charlie and echo and the next thing I know he's doing something reckless.
Bordering on dangoures that it gets my heart racing.
That's when I found out why he makes me so mad, was because I love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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