Owen Grady x reader part 2

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(Owens pov)

The moment claire asked me to escort today's VIP guest's i said yes.
Usualy i wouldn't ask her who they are, the moment her eyes glanced across the pictures of her nefew I knew who the guests were.
Now here i am waiting at the doc, missing my girls who are probably give Barry a run a lot of trouble.
They been giving me more grief since y/n went back to spend some time with her parents and family.
I pulled out the picture of her that i had in my vest.
Her brown hair shined red in the sun light and her blue eyes are bright.
Her smile always gets me, makes my heart beat completely put of control.
She is the alpha female, the only woman that can put me in my place and that gets the whole crew laughing.
She is her father's daughter, and when it comes to dinosaurs she's the expert,
But when it comes to raptors she's the alpha.
I smield and the sound of the transporter brought me out of my head of my girlfriend.
I put her picture back in my vest and i waited with the sign Claire handed me.
Y/n called earlier this week saying that it might take her longer to arrive at the island.
But that didn't stop me from hopeing.
When i saw the hat my heart skipped.
She then said when I saw her.
Her brother b/n then said running towards me.
I then said smiling as i bended down for him to hug me.
"Hey buddy how you doing"?
He then said.
"Im good, i missed you".
I then said as i rubbed his head.
"I missed you to pal.
Have you watched over your sister"?
He nodded and i said holding my hand up for a high five.
"Good job".
Y/n then said as i stood up.
"I believe it's my job to watch over myself and my little brother at the same time mister grady".
I smiled and said smirking.
"Oh i know it is miss grant".
Then Claire's nefew then came forward and y/n said.
"Oh owen, this is Zach.
(Zach waved and y/n put a hand on grays shoulders.)
And gray.
Their Claire's nefews.
(She looked to them and said.)
Seeing as we are going to be hanging out after all.
Why don't we follow mister owen".
They followed her and i said smiling.
"Okay, first, whp wants to go see some dinosaurs"?
Gray raised his hands and y/n said.
I drove them to the raptor pen and y/n said to the girls once were on the rail.
"Blue, echo, charlie, delta.
Attention on deck"!
They lined up and stared up at her and i said to the boys as they watch y/n go down to them.
"Don't worry, she was there when they were born.
They view her as the alpha female, and mom".
Y/n entered the field and b/n then said worried.
"Will she be okay"?
I then said.
"More than okay, blue with keep the other 3 on the line".
(Y/n's pov)
Blue looked at me and i said.
"Hey blue, missed me"?
She purred and rubbed into my shoulder and i petted her head and she got down so i can get up on her back.
She stood up and i said.
"Ill take that as a yes".
I then said as the girls lined up.
"Okay girls ready.
(They all lowered and said.)
(I then yelled.)
Blue toke off like a race horse out of the gate.
Her sisters followed, delta on our right, Charlie and echo on our left.
(Owens pov)

B/n then said as y/n and the raptors passed below us.
"Look at them go"!
Gray pulled out his phone and said.
"Oh i got to show mom and dad this".
Zach then said as he watched them circle back.
"She's amazing".
I narrowed my eyes on zach and i thought.
'Watch it kid'.
Y/n then said.
"Okay ladies time to give them the big finish".
They all chirped and y/n said.
"Break and hook"!
They stopped and spun and they dtopped infront of the gated area.
I clapped, so did everyone of the crew.
Blue got down so y/n can get off and she pet her nose.
Y/n then said.
"Good job.
(She gave blue some sugar, a cube to Charlie, delta and echo.)
My good girls".
She raised her and and whistled and they left into the trees.
Y/n got back threw the safety gate and came up.
B/n then asked as she came closer to us.
"Does mom and dad know you can do that"?
I then said.
"That's part of why she's here.
She's guest speaking on how one day raptors can be man greatest companies on and off the track".
She then said.
"And mom and dad would have a heart attack if they knew".
I then said.
"But theyll be proud of their little girl".
She smiled at me and i said to the boys.
"Now that you seen the raptors why don't we get you guys to the hotel to settle in before the show"?

To be contiued...

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