Owen Grady x reader part 2 final

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(Y/n's pov)
I couldn't believe it, he came back.
He then said.
I then said looking down the tunnel, alittle sad that he didn't come for me, but he didn't know i was alive.
"Let me guess they hired you to track blue"?
He then said.
"Yes, we tracked where he has been previous before her tracker went blank.
(He smiled to me pointed to me.)
I thought she was just clever, but then we found her den.
(He lifted the oversized vest i kept, it was his.)
We found this, that's when i remebered those kids that's say a woman set them on her spare boat, this kid darius said you would know".
I then said realising a breath.
"Darius is a smart kid, did they get home, Ben, Yasmine, Brooklyn, kenji and Sammy"?
Claire then said.
"Wait you were the one that got the kids off before you"?
I nodded and said.
"They check in on my satilie radio daily, they said they told there parents infact i talked to them, but i didn't have enough juice to talk to my father".
Claire then said.
"I've been talking to him,told him who saved those kids, he talk to an old friend said you knew him".
I then said.
"Oh right i call him uncle rockstar, but his name is Ian.
I just need to charge my radio".
I then said.
"How did you know i be with blue".
Owen then said.
"blue is your favorite and the only raptor that survived.
You raised her along with Charlie, echo and Delta.
I knew that if you knew that if manticore was here, the hire me, but they blindsided us all.
(The island rocked from a tremor.
And owen said to me.)
We knew you would head for the lab for surgery tools, then to your private dock.
Only you had access to it.
Y/n please".
I went to the wheel and pulled back and i said going back to the back.
"Get on now,
(As they got on and i said to Owen and Claire.)
Blues inside".
The assistant said.
"You have a raptor in your boat"?
I then said to her.
"Would you have manticore take her and make a profit not caring she's a living being"?
She didn't answer and i siad.
"Good, (i turned to Owen.)
I only have a little knowledge on dinsaour surgery".
The assistant i roasted then said.
"I do, where is she"?
Blue peeked out and i said petting her nose.
"We're not out of danger yet sweety, get back inside".
She did and i said to the four people i thought i never see again.
"Ill drive, Owen.
(He looked to me and i said.)
Blue is only used to us, but after these six months-".
Owen held my hand and said.
"Ill drive, you be with blue, she won't respond to me as well as you".
I nodded and i said to the assistant.
"Ill got in first, get her ready.
(I looked to her.)
Ill call you in when she is".
Owen punched the engine and we were able to make it off the island and once blue was falling asleep I said.
"Everything will be okay blue, i got you i promise i be with you durning the surgery i promise".
Once blue tossed off i called in the assistant and said looking to her.
"Thank you".
She then said.
"Anything for a fellow dino lover.
Y/n grant, you really are brave".
I then said to her.
I closed my eyes as the surgey went on.
Once it was done i sat by the table.
The boat stopped and Owen came in and he hugged me.
He then said.
"Your alive, don't scare me like that again ever".
I smiled and said.
"I sorry alpha".
He smiled and pecked my lips andi blushed anx he said.
"I didn't just come bacl for blue, the footage they sent of her, caught a glimpse of you.
They thought i was a glitch, but i had hope.
Y/n I love you, I love you-".
I pecked his lips and i said.
"I love you to Owen, i kept fighting so that mabey one day i would see you again".
He then said.
"I thought i lost you".
I rhen said.
"You'll never lose me owen and that's a promise".

(Time skip)

Blue saved us from that Scorpios raptor, a remodel of the Scorpios rex which woo left plans laying around.
Blue purred as she came to me, my leg was injured and Owen said seeing us.
"Y/n blue"!
I then said as owen came.
"We're alright".
Owen then said helping me up.
"You two are going to be the death of me".
I then said as blue helped.
"But you love us anyway".
Owen kissed me again and sais.
"Yes i love my girls.
Now let's get you two out of here".
He lifted me onto blues back and we walked to the RV.
Blue layed down in the dinning area and Owen picked me up and said.
"Where can we go that's safe for a raptor"?
He started working on my injured leg and i said.
"My dad's archeological digs.
(Owen looked at me with a look that said 'didnt you and your father argue about you working at jurastic world'?)
He called on my satilight radio saying he knows im alive.
Says he doesn't care if i bring back the t red, he knew manticore would use me to control the dinosuars.
So really, he's looking out for us".
Owen rhen said.
"Blue would need meat-".
I then said pointing to the big black bag blue was carrying after she saved us, she got it back from when she was taken .
"Always be prepared".
Owen pecked my lips and said to me.
"I love you so much".
I smiled and said.
"I know".
Thee end.

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