Owen Grady x reader part 3 final

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(Y/n's pov)
The moment we got tp the hotel, i said as b/n unpacked his bag.
"I'm going out for a tiny bit buddy, don't wander away from zach or gray.
But don't leave the hotel without me until i get back".
B/n waved his hand behind him and saix.
"You go see your boyfriend, ill be fine".
I blushed, he can always see through me.
I went down the hall way and then a fimilar grip on my wrist and the fell of his chest on my hands when i braced myself so I didn't stumble into him.
He kissed me and i kissed him back, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up a little bit since I was a couple inches shorter than him.
Which he used agasint me alot when i first worked with him.
I was on the tips of my toes to match his height.
He smiled and said forehead against mine.
"I missed you why didn't you tell me you were coming"?
I then said as i held his cheek.
"Cause i wanted to surprise you.
I planned to stop by the raptor pen and have barry distract you until i was on the paltform".
Owen then said rubbing his nose against mime.
"I always loved it when you are in your element, alpha".
I kissed him and b/n said passing us with gray and Zach.
"Will you two get a room".
I narrowed my eyes at him and said.
"I don't say that to you when your girlfriend is around now do i"?
He then said.
"Sarah is just a friend".
Owen then said.
"Trust us buddy sarah likes you".
I then said as i pecked his lips.
"We can't be late, you coming,
(I then said as Owen tilted his head when i said his surname in a way that made his eyes slightly dilate.)
Mister Grady"?
He then said taking hold of my hand.
"Were ever you go i go mis grant".
We left and the moment i was called to stage.
I said after i got everyone to calm down.
"For 65 for 75 million years dinosaurs have been extinct.
The idea life existed all this time is humbling.
We see truth in the rocks and wonder what life was like for them

Now, we can.
Welcome to Jurassic World everybody"!
They all clapped and cheered i then said as i put the clip if the rapotrs.
"Ever since i was a kid raptores are my favorite dinosaurs.

You want to know why?
(I showed a picture of the raptors as babies with me and Owen.)
Cause they are not just a group of hunters, they are a family.
(I fiddled with the remote as i walked around as a clip of me on blues back played.)
I thought i knew everything about dinosaurs.
But there's more to these dinosuars we are still rediscovering.
One day we may coexist aith these amazing beings.
One small step for man,
(I stopped and said and the rex roared.)
One giant leap for dinosaurs!
(Everyone clapped and cheered louder.)
They still have alot to teach us and we to them.
Now enjoy your day at the park everyone and welcome to isle nublar where it all began.
Lets walk among the dinosuars".
They all clapped, owns came up and said.
"Miss grant everyone.
(He turned to me and said.)
Y/n when we first met I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the planet.
(He got on his neek and everyone got quiet and i covered my mouth.)
When I first saw you with the girls i was so worried, but I had nothing to fear.
Y/n grant, i love you.
And i was wondering if you'll make this the best day of my life.
(He pulled out the ring and asked.)
Will you marry me"?
I then said as a happy tear escaped my eye.
"Yes, yes yes ill marry you".
He smield and everyone cheered as he got up and put the ring on my finger.
He then kissed me and everyone cheered louder.
Though most girls dream of being proposed on the beach, this was perfect.
The man i love asking me to marry him on the island where the dinosuars brought us together.
Our love for dinosaurs was what made us together possible and im never going to let him go.

Thee end.

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